Youth Touched by the Gospel

"Honestly, this past year has been a year of darkness for me. My friend inviting me to the AOY Small group has been a specific answer to my prayers. He doesn't realize this but, I have been praying for a sense of accountability in my walk with God. In the AOY squads I now have a group that I can join consistently with and Bible Study. For me that's a big thing. It's been the only group I've been a part of lately. For me it's a big thing in terms of something in my life going well." 
- Anonymous Small Group Attendee

Full Web Hosting GOLD
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. 
Leah F.
Volunteer from Pakistan
"Being able to serve in ministry has helped  me to step out of my comfort zone and grow in certain areas in my life the spiritual, mental, and my calling ! Also it's such a blessing to have fellowship with like minded believers and to work together with them as a team!"
RacheLynn W.
"Amazing, insightful, in-depth, inspiring, encouraging messages, studies, and outreaches fully committed with joy that blesses countless souls for the Kingdom!!! OUTSTANDSING work, and REMARKABLE ministry... couldn't be emphasized enough, this has changed my life and I'm just getting started(:"
Cameron M.
"Finding you and the Army of Youth has been the biggest door that has been opened in my life. I've met wonderful new people and made great new friends. I've learned a lot of new things, and I've been asked questions about my life that I've never thought to ask myself. I thank the Lord for the opportunities that I've been given with AOY."


Our vision is to help every young Christian to identify, dedicate, and develop their unique talents for the Lord's service.

We envision a world where never again must a young person live an aimless life.

We see a time when ALL young people know their true purpose and lead meaningful lives in the Lord’s service.


Our mission is to inspire and rightly train an army of youth to dedicate their lives to Christ's service. 

To help finish the work of redemption before the soon coming of Jesus.

We do this through our unique digital training curriculums, live workshops, weekly small group squads, daily video mentoring, and other exclusive success resources.
The ministry to youth is not just out on the streets BUT ONLINE AND IN THE PALM OF THEIR HANDS!

Sharing Made Easy Online

Believers young and old use our websites and videos as a point of reference to share with their friends and family. They are empowered with answers and testimonies right at their fingertips!
Help train young people in identifying their unique talents and dedicating them to Christ's service by supporting The Army of Youth! Here are 3 ways you can help:


Praying for the Army of Youth is among the most important ways you can support this work.

Pray for our team as they share Jesus on the digital frontier. Pray for the content they are creating and the people who are connecting with us online. 


Publish to your friends, family, small group, church or congregation how the gospel is going forth to the youth! 

Share The Army of Youth with your friends and how Jesus has transformed your life through this ministry. 


Your gifts as a Champions of Youth partner have a personal yet exponential impact—enabling the Army of Youth to reliably respond to unexpected evangelistic opportunities.  

You make it possible to consistently reach countless people globally through truth-filled digital broadcasts, online courses, websites, literature, and to train Gospel Soldiers to share the love of Christ.
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