Articles of the Covenant
Blog & Vlog FilesCurabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Proin eget tortor risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet
New Learnings – The Key that Unlocks the Full Potential of Your God-given F.A.C.U.L.T.Y.
Introduction: Have you ever felt that there was this great gap, that there are unfulfilled desires or dreams, but you feel limited whether it be in time or skills? Did you know that the Lord has given you special faculties that He expects all of us to use so that we...
New Learnings – The Key that Unlocks the Full Potential of Your God-given F.A.C.U.L.T.Y.
Introduction: Have you ever felt that there was this great gap, that there are unfulfilled desires or dreams, but you feel limited whether it be in time or skills? Did you know that the Lord has given you special faculties that He expects all of us to use so that we...
The Greatest Expense of Your Life
Introduction: Many people today are on a path to destruction because of this ONE thing people are lacking and that some are refusing to gain an abundance of. But if we learn to dig deep enough in the scriptures, we can rid ourselves of this one thing that is causing...
Failure is a Figment of Your Imagination
Introduction: In today's study, we will be going through God's word to see that there is no such thing as Failure with God's people. We will be seeing how and why what we call "failure" can become our greatest stepping stones towards victory.Study Video: 1 Why do we...