Introduction: Oftentimes people think about these lessons in regard to a prosperity gospel. Many tend to avoid it because of the connotation that is often put upon it. But today we’re not going to be looking at a prosperity gospel and if that is something you are seeking, then this lesson is not for you. Because what we’re looking at today is the biblical term when looking at prosperity. we’re going to be understanding what the word of God does say about this subject. Today we will be looking at 10 Promises God makes for prosperity for His people.

Study Video:

1 Does God have pleasure in the prosperity of His people? Psalm 35:27
Note: Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines prosper as “To favor; to render successful.” as a verb it’s defined as “To be successful; to succeed.” or “To grow or increase; to thrive; to make gain; as, to prosper in business.” When the word of God is talking about prospering, it’s talking about succeeding and having the favor of God. We read in Luke 2:52 that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. God has pleasure in your prosperity.

2 What is God’s greatest concern for His children? 3 John 1:2
Note: The teaching of the Bible has a vital bearing upon man’s prosperity in all the relations of this life. It unfolds the principles that are the cornerstone of a nation’s prosperity – principles with which is bound up the well-being of society, and which are the safeguard of the family – principles without which no man can attain usefulness, happiness, and honor in this life, or can hope to secure the future, immortal life. There is no position in life, no phase of human experience, for which the teaching of the Bible is not an essential preparation.

3 Is the prosperity God wants for His children only spiritual prosperity & what is prosperity conditional upon? Job 36:11
Note: Temporal and spiritual prosperity are made conditional upon obedience to the law of God. But we do not read God’s Word, and thus become familiar with the terms of the blessing that is to be given to all who hearken diligently to God’s law and teach it diligently in their families. (See Deuteronomy 6:6-11 – opens in new tab due to long verse) Obedience to God’s Word is our life, our happiness. Some might be asking “What’s the difference between this and prosperity gospel?”. The word “prosperity” and “gospel” are never used in that order in the scriptures. The Bible talks about the gospel, and it talks about prospering, but nowhere in the Bible does it talk about a prosperity gospel. Part of the promises in God’s word are promises that cause His people to prosper. We lose nothing by studying the scriptures to see what God says on a subject, but we lose much by closing our minds to seeing what He actually says on the subject. Prosperity is used all throughout the scriptures. What some are really saying is that they don’t believe in the prosperity gospel, but that’s not what we’re sharing. We’re just going through the word of God to see how the Bible regards prosperity.

4 What produces prosperity? Isaiah 55:11
Note: When we search what God says about any area whether it is financially, spiritually, socially, or physically and apply those principles to our life those principles produce prosperity. They will help you to not just survive but to thrive. by following it is God’s law that appoints to each one of us our duties and it’s only in obedience to it that anyone could secure happiness or prosperity. The belief that if you follow God and you won’t prosper is a satanic belief. Because who better to prosper in the things that they set forth to do than the people of God, who are bearing a message that could transform and save lives? God wants His people to prosper more than anything or anyone and by being able to follow these principles of prosperity then we can experience that true success that God wants.

5 If we want to faithfully serve Christ, do we have to wait for the life to come in order to experience abundance? Mark 10:28-30 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: Persecution is not the opposite of prosperity but a part of it. The only way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing. The more you prosper, the more people will speak out against you. Many of these promises that God is talking about are for this life and for the world to come. Oftentimes people look at the Bible as a book teaching us how to die. I believe the bible is teaching us how to live and what I mean by that is that many paint the picture of a Christian’s life on earth as miserable or a dry dead life and that if it’s pleasurable, that means it’s wrong. We paint the picture as when we get to heaven that’s where we put on all our enjoyments. That it’s the only time we can experience joy and pleasure is in when we die. But I believe that God is teaching us principles on how to live on this side of eternity that when we follow these principles, they will produce prosperity so we can have joy peace, strength, and encouragement in the presence of Christ today and in the life to come.

6 How do we know that all our work will prosper? Proverbs 14:23
Note: We might often feel that because we go set out to do something and it didn’t meet our expectations, we think it didn’t “work”. But we need to shift our mindset and understand that all work works. When the work that you do is not working for you, it means it’s working on you. People fail when they quit, and they don’t allow the work to continue to work on them until it is able to work for them. As we work, we must know that it’s impossible for it not to work. Stop asking “What if it doesn’t work?” and start asking “How awesome and life-transforming will this be for others when I use my talents for God’s glory?”. Think of what you would do, what would you attempt, what would you say, who would you speak to, where would you go, what would you start if you knew that it was impossible for you to fail and go do that because in all labor there is profit. In all labor there is a paycheck, there’s a payment, there’s profit, there’s gain and increase. In Christ there is no failure and as you go forward you glorify Him and consecrate all to Him as you recognize His ownership. These are principles of divine success.

7 What does it look like when all our work prospers? Genesis 39:2-4 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: When you follow the principles, you realize that your prosperity is not governed by circumstances. Some might say “if only I was circumstanced differently, or if only these obstacles weren’t in the way, then I would succeed, grow, and do what i’m called to do.”. But in this example of Joseph when he was a slave, he was not in the ideal circumstances. He was sold by his own brothers into this heathen land, and they didn’t follow the same principles of that of the word of God. But notice how God blessed him and I believe this same blessing applies to each one of us who follow the same principles that Joseph followed you can find the same results because principles are not prejudiced. It doesn’t matter if it was three thousand years ago or today. The principles still produced prosperity. God expects us to exercise our talents to the greatest degree of ability that is possible for us to aim high. It’s according to our willingness and our humility to be led by God.

8 If God created wealth for God’s people, why are so many people that are rich really wicked? John 8:32
Note: The difference here is between what is true and what is the truth. It is true that some wealthy people are wicked, but it is the truth that God created wealth for His people specifically.

9 Who was the wealthiest man in human history? 1 Kings 10:6-7 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: There is no branch of legitimate business for which the Bible does not afford an essential preparation. Its principles of diligence, honesty, thrift, temperance, and purity are the secret of true success. These principles, as set forth in the Book of Proverbs, constitute a treasury of practical wisdom. Where can the merchant, the artisan, the director of men in any department of business, find better maxims for himself or for his employees than are found in these words of the wise man:

10 To the man who delights on God’s law and meditates continually upon it what will happen to whatsoever he does? Psalm 1:1-3 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: There are laws to prosperity. Principles produce prosperity. Prosperity is not the result of violating principles or sacrificing truth and honesty but by following the instructions found in God’s word.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to be free from the beliefs you hold that prevent the Lord from working a great work in you that includes prosperity?

Is it your decision to hold fast to these and other promises the Lord gives you to thrive in living out the calling He has for you?

Today’s Offer:

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