Introduction: Have you ever wondered how you can hear the voice of God? Maybe you’re faced with a decision or you’re trying to understand what direction to go. You might be telling yourself, “if only I could hear the voice of God and He could just speak to me and show me His will and help me to understand His plans for my life”. If you’ve ever questioned about the will of God and the direction that He has for your life then you’re in the right place. Today we will be studying together the surprising ways that God will speak to you; And we would even venture to say that there could be some of these ways that God is speaking to you. He even may be screaming at you but because we’re not aware of some of these methods on how he speaks to us, we could be totally deaf to His pleadings, totally deaf to His direction so we could be looking for God’s voice in all the wrong places.
1 To whom can we go for promised direction and clarity from God? John 16:13
Note: The holy spirit is promised to be sent and He will bring back to your remembrance Whatever God has said and Jesus promised that just as parents are willing to give good gifts to their children, how much more is our father in heaven willing to give?
2 What simple step does the Lord entreat us to take to get direction from the Holy Spirit? Matthew 7:7
Note: God sends the Holy Spirit to those who ask. The first thing we have to do to get instruction from the holy spirit is to ask for it. When He speaks to you, it’s a gentle, still, small voice that leads you and He speaks to your faculty of intuition so that you can understand more of His will. So that’s one of the ways that God speaks to us.
3 Who else does God send us to help guide us in the Lord’s will? Hebrews 1:14
Note: The bible talks about sinless angels and asked the question “are they not ministering spirits that are sent to minister to those who would be heirs of salvation?”. Hebrews 13:2 talks about how we should be not forgetful to entertain strangers because some thereby have entertained angels unaware. We also see in the stories of Abraham and Lot that God has and sends messengers to reveal His will for us.
4 What is the standard we must hold up when we believe we are being ministered to by a holy angel or any man at all? Isaiah 8:20
Note: If an angel or if any other man or any other message comes to you that is not in harmony with what the word of God says, it is not God speaking to us and we have to be sure that we are listening to sinless angels and not satanic angels so you want to be clear.
5 Can this standard also give us direction in and of itself as to what God’s will is for our life? 2 Timothy 3:15-17 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: When we study the word of God and search out our problems, questions, concerns, and the direction that we’re looking for, God is able to speak to us in a way that we wouldn’t even think of before. The truth is, the word of God is God’s will expressed. If we want to understand God’s will for us we need not look for much further than what a “thus saith the Lord” is. It is written in scripture to direct our lives and to help us to make decisions that are so important. The Holy Bible is a sure and definite way to hear the voice of God speaking to us.
6 Where are we able to go to surround ourselves with sound wisdom? Proverbs 11:14
Note: You want to surround yourself with people who love the Lord, study His Word, and are able to help counsel you. God uses these godly counselors to instruct and to reveal His will to us
7 What is another type of counselor that can also provide us with wisdom? Psalm 119:24
Note: It is the entrance of God’s word that bringeth the light and gives understanding to the simple so any time we are seeking for direction we have to be careful who we listen to and also try to find and listen to those who have the results that you want.
8 What are the almost silent things that help us to hear God’s voice speak to us? Romans 1:20
Note: Through nature, God is able to speak to us and it’s what we like to call the “Book of Nature”. The book of nature was the first book given to Adam and Eve in sinless Eden. Before sin ever came in, they had nature that was to ever testify of God and His love and to reveal to them more and more of His divine will every day. What we focus on we find; so if we’re looking for instruction through nature we’ll find it. The book of nature is something that is a powerful tool that was even given before the Bible was given to man. This is a powerful way that God communicates to man. We could tell that Jesus was very receptive to the book of nature because when you look at his instructions, and parables Jesus often took lessons from nature and understood spiritual mental, physical, moral, and social lessons through the simple book of nature.
9 Where is one place that the Lord has already placed a “multitude of counselors?” Matthew 18:20
Note: Another way that God uses to communicate to man, are His people, which is the church. Where Christ’s presence is among His people, that is His church. There may be times where we pray and ask God for guidance and then there’s someone who comes along who wants to help; who wants to give us some counsel, encouragement, or maybe it’s a financial aid, a lending hand and we don’t want to accept their gifts, hospitality, kindness or encouragement. We might believe that God will take care of us because we’re praying to Him but we don’t realize that Jesus actually said what you’ve done to the least of these my brethren you’ve done it to me. He closely unites Himself with His children. When his children are seeking to represent Him that is God’s way of communicating His will and helping those who are seeking to know and understand. We don’t want to underestimate the human instruments that God is able to use in our lives.
10 What is the greatest most loving way God provides communication from us to Him? Hebrews 7:25
Note: The ultimate way God speaks to us is through Christ Himself. Not only is He interceding on our behalf, He’s actively laboring for our souls in harmony with the sinless angels who love to do God’s will and love to minister to his children. But His life testifies of His will. We can look at the habits, the words, the instruction, and the parables of Christ and we can see what God would have us to do today. Is our life in harmony with what God has required of us for our own happiness and success in life? This is what Christ has promised to give us when we allow ourselves to give ear to His word and follow in His footsteps.
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to really hear the voice of God leading you in your life and to continually know what God’s will is for your life?
Is it your decision to find and hear the voice of God in your life by recognizing the ways the Lord desires to speak to you outlined in His word?
Today’s Offer:
If you want to find God’s will for you through His word daily but are finding it hard to find interest and keep consistency, then please sign up for our FREE training on how to make your devotions irresistibly interesting by going to:
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