Articles of the Covenant
Blog & Vlog FilesCurabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Proin eget tortor risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Vestibulum ac diam sit amet
10 Promises You Didn’t Know God Made for Prosperity
Introduction: Oftentimes people think about these lessons in regard to a prosperity gospel. Many tend to avoid it because of the connotation that is often put upon it. But today we're not going to be looking at a prosperity gospel and if that is something you are...
10 Biblical Laws Poor People Ignorantly Violate Keeping Them in Poverty
Introduction: As the title implies, could it be that many people in poverty are bound to their poverty by ignorantly violating laws that God Himself put in place? What are these laws and how do we follow them? In today's Bible study for evangelistic entrepreneurs or...
Family Business is a Good Idea Because Family Business is a God Idea
Introduction: How often do we hear that a factor of why we have a breaking society today is because families are not rightly employing their children in useful labor that in turn creates a close-knit unit? It turns out, not very often. But in the beginning, God had a...
Gospel Entrepreneurship From Genesis To Revelation
Introduction: Have you ever considered pursuing your own business as a Christian? Some may believe that Christianity and business do not mix, but what if the Bible actually joins these two together from Genesis to Revelation? What if, business is a provision from God,...