Introduction: Have you ever considered pursuing your own business as a Christian? Some may believe that Christianity and business do not mix, but what if the Bible actually joins these two together from Genesis to Revelation? What if, business is a provision from God, a vehicle, to help you spread the gospel to the masses and glorify your maker? If you have ever asked these questions or wondered if a Christian should have anything to do with business, then this Bible reading is for you. Throughout Genesis to Revelation, we will be seeing the true principles of Gospel Entrepreneurship.

Study Video:

1 What is a talent, instilled in us by God, that we can cultivate and use to show brotherly love to our neighbors? Romans 12:10-11
Note: Business is not only actually loving our brothers and our neighbors as ourselves, but business is also serving the Lord. All business is solving a problem. every product, every ministry, every organization that exists is formed for a purpose of solving a problem. Today we will be seeing this throughout scripture.

2 What was man’s first calling, given to him by God, when he was created? Genesis 2:5, Genesis 2:8, Genesis 2:15
Note: God gave Adam a family business; and that business was to be the school of the human race. It was a home-based business, which was their home in the garden of Eden and that was to be the instruction of the youth. That was God’s original design for man. It was to give him business, occupation, etc. that he can be an owner of and that he can be able to serve others. Business is solving a problem. What problem did they have? They needed to eat. The garden provided a solution to their need.

3 How was Abraham able to spread the Gospel? Genesis 12:7-8 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: Abraham spread the gospel through the memorials that he established. They were to be a representation of the sanctuary service worship. Not only was he ministering to his own household of over 1,000 people, but Abraham’s influence extended beyond his own household. “Wherever he pitched his tent, he set up beside it the altar for sacrifice and worship. When the tent was removed, the altar remained; and many a roving Canaanite, whose knowledge of God had been gained from the life of Abraham His servant, tarried at that altar to offer sacrifice to Jehovah.”

4 When was the first time jobs were introduced? Genesis 9:25-27
Note: In those times, the servants were those who would dress the vineyards, etc. They were hirelings, or under-shepherds who took care of the sheep. The servants were the employees of these businesses.

5 Who in scripture is one of the best examples of Gospel entrepreneurship? Proverbs 31:16, Proverbs 31:18, Proverbs 31:24
Note: The Virtuous woman in proverbs 31 is an entrepreneur and business owner. She has a strong belief in the things she is selling. She has products to offer of monetary value, Invests in the resources she needs, and is not afraid of selling.

6 In what line of work was Daniel in, and how did he use it to point to, and glorify God? Daniel 2:47-48 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: Daniel was a statesman in the kingdoms of Babylon and Medo-Persia. Although he was the prime minister of the greatest of earthly kingdoms, he also was a prophet of God. A counselor of kings. Through this position, he was even a converter of Kings as he received light of heavenly inspiration. In all his business transactions, he was without fault. “He was an example of what every businessman may become when his heart is converted and consecrated, and when his motives are right in the sight of God.”

7 What was the business that Christ took up here on earth? Luke 2:49, Luke 19:10
Note: Christ was in the Business of saving souls, and He was not slothful in that business. By being fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, He achieved results that we also can obtain if we too remain faithful in this business.

8 What is a command the Lord gives us that can be fulfilled in business? Philippians 2:4

9 Has the practice of gospel entrepreneurship been done even after Bible times? Revelation 12:13-14 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: Here we see the scriptures talking about the 1260 prophecy. But what’s interesting is that God’s church that went into the wilderness, sometimes went into the towns and villages to spread the gospel by having their own business and trade since they were heavily persecuted for directly spreading the truth. “They carried silks, jewelry, and other articles, at that time not easily purchasable save at distant marts; and they were welcomed as merchants where they would have been spurned as missionaries.”

10 What promise do we find in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 if we determine to be diligent in business?
Note: We have a biblical mandate from Genesis to Revelation to be business owners. Business is not the opposite of Christianity but a part of it. Business is a good idea because business is a God idea. It was God’s original plan for man, to put him into a garden, to own their own business, and to provide for their family. It is God’s plan that by owning your own business you have the ability to create abundance. Lack is a limitation but God’s plan is that you can own a business like all the other children of Israel who had abundance, and create abundance for your life, for your family so that you can have a wall to guide and protect. This is not separated from God’s provision, but a part of God’s provision


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to follow God’s original plan to be gospel entrepreneurs and join His family business in saving souls for His kingdom?

Is it your decision to have a vision and invest your time, means, resources, etc. in creating abundance through your business to go further in your calling?

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