Introduction: As the title implies, could it be that many people in poverty are bound to their poverty by ignorantly violating laws that God Himself put in place? What are these laws and how do we follow them? In today’s Bible study for evangelistic entrepreneurs or those who want to be entrepreneurs and are evangelistic minded, we will be studying these financial laws in the scriptures because God has counsel regarding all areas of our life including our finances.

Study Video:

1 What is the law that governs the results of our financial state? Proverbs 26:2
As the curse causeless shall not come, the cash causeless shall not come. The Bible confirms the universal law of cause and effect. It’s fixed and governed by laws of sowing and reaping. Galatians 6:7 says “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Every word is a seed, every deed is a seed, and every dollar is a seed. This law reveals to us that there is a reason for every actionable result whether consciously aware of it or not. Results are sure to follow.

2 What has God given to make His children Financially Free? John 8:32
The Law of True Wealth states that True Wealth includes not only finances but abundance in every area of our lives and is created by following the principles of truth found in God’s word. Many times we feel we are broke because we don’t have money. But in reality, we don’t have money because we are broke. What I mean by that is, it’s a broken philosophy, a broken mindset, broken ideas, and beliefs that creates poverty in any area of our life. When I say poverty I’m talking about real poverty; not just financially, but we could be socially or nutritionally bankrupt; we can have poverty in our relationships, with our families, and our loved ones; poverty in our spiritual life. This is all scarcity or lack and it’s the opposite of what Jesus promised us (See John 10:10). This abundance is true wealth and it’s not just financial wealth. It’s included but it’s in every area of our life. This is the abundant life that God is seeking to give us. Wealth is not limited to finances and is dependent upon the truth.

3 How do our beliefs determine certain outcomes in our life? Matthew 9:29
Note: What we have in life is a direct result of the beliefs that we hold about that subject. Your bank account is a direct reflection of the beliefs that you hold about finances. If I believe poverty is piety and wealth is wickedness and that it’s evil to have wealth, do you think that I’m going to want to be wealthy or want to have wealth? No. That belief is leading to poverty scarcity and lack in our lives. You will never earn more than whatever you think is a lot of money. This is the law of faith. The beliefs that we hold, we pick them up in childhood. we might hear things from our parents that are repeated that are not really founded upon scriptures. We read in Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Again it comes down to true wealth. What we need to realize here though is that when referring to wealth or abundance it refers to true wealth in every area of our life. Finances are simply a symbol.

4 Are riches and wealth a problem from Satan or a gift from our loving Creator? Ecclesiastes 5:19
The Bible does not condemn the rich man because he is rich; it does not declare the acquisition of wealth to be a sin, nor does it say that money is the root of all evil. On the contrary, the Scriptures state that it is God who gives the power to get wealth. [See Deuteronomy 8:18] And this ability is a precious talent if consecrated to God and employed to advance His cause.

5 How are our characters affected when we are entrusted with more abundance? Luke 16:10
: According to this verse, is it true that you need to be careful having money because having more money will change you or that having more is going to corrupt you? False. How you are right now with your money and with the things that God gave you is exactly how you’re going to be when He blesses you with more. Money of itself does not change you; it just magnifies who you are. So many people are afraid that wealth is going to change them. The poor think “when I get rich, then I will give, then I will manage”. But God is saying if you are faithful in the little, even if it is one dollar you will be faithful in much.

6 What is an important belief we must have in order to have success in any line of business? Luke 19:13
Note: Multiplied finances and business success is the result of recognizing God’s ownership. When we disconnect the gift from the Gift Giver then we start to lose our gifts. I’ll always remain poor if I have a limiting belief about wealth being a gift from God. When I recognize God is the source of lasting wealth it begins the possibilities of financial blessings. Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines “Occupy” as: “To use; To follow business;” etc. Jesus tells us to pursue in business until He comes. This is a law of stewardship. Recognizing that everything we own belongs to God and we are held at the utmost accountability and expectation to increase and improve upon what God has entrusted to us. Just because we are living in perilous times doesn’t mean we’re not supposed to persevere or pursue business. It doesn’t mean to stay idle.

7 The Law of Expression – How can we audibly influence what we have or don’t have? Mark 11:23
Note: The money that you have is a result of what you say. If you say you can, or you say you can’t, you are absolutely right. Our words can keep us poor. Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” What words do we use to describe money? Are we uncomfortable with the word rich? If we use phrases like filthy rich, they cause us to be poor because we shine a bad light upon wealth. Our expression should be in harmony with the truth and the financial laws God has given.

8 Why is there often failure when trying to build up abundance with what we have? Matthew 13:12
Note: In anything that we do or wish to achieve there must be an act or effort and exercise on our part. This is a law that the Lord put in place. We don’t have to make this effort on our own though. God has provided in His word the means for mental and spiritual development. The law of Use states if you don’t use it you lose it. God gives opportunities; success depends upon the use made of them.

9 How do outside associations influence the abundance or scarcity that we have? Proverbs 13:20
Note: Relationships are more valuable than money. You are an average of the top 5 voices you hear the most. If 9 of your closest friends are broke, you’ll be the 10th. This is the law of association.

10 How do we obtain an abundance of our desired results? 2 Corinthians 9:6
Note: Here we see The Law of Investing. It is a divine law that blessings come at some cost to the receiver. If we decide to make little to no investment of our own part towards the results we want to see, we will not get very far. Is setting aside time, money, or learning the necessary skills for your business an expense or an investment? Learn to see these seeming sacrifices as investments, whether it be an investment in your health, time, new learnings or means.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to follow these 10 Biblical laws and increase your abundance for the Lord’s glory?

Is it your decision to live in harmony with these laws by following the biblical counsel we’ve been given in regards to these laws and encourage others to heed these laws?

Today’s Offer:

If you want to dive deeper into these Biblical financial principles, we have a course for you and it’s called “Bible Financial Secrets”. Here, Enoch Leffingwell goes step by step into what these financial laws are that the wealthy understand and follow and that the poor don’t understand because many weren’t taught these things even though they’ve been in the Bible for thousands of years. Head over to and sign up today!

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