Introduction: In today’s study, we will be going through God’s word to see that there is no such thing as Failure with God’s people. We will be seeing how and why what we call “failure” can become our greatest stepping stones towards victory.

Study Video:

1 Why do we experience results in our lives that we don’t want? Proverbs 26:2
Note: The law of cause and effect There is a reason for each result we have or do not have. Every result that we have in our life is there for a reason. Nothing ever happens to us without a cause.

2 What do we do when we don’t know what caused the results we have? Job 29:16
Note: When we realize that everything in life has a cause, it is liberating because it means that there is no problem we can’t solve. We can search out the roots of the results we have, reasoning from cause to effect.

3 How does God look at what we call “failure”? Galatians 6:7
Note: Who defines what failure is? There’s no such thing as failure; only results. It’s a simple cause-and-effect relationship. If we want a different result, we need to do something different. When we try doing the same thing in the exact same way and expect something different, that’s insanity.

4 What does “failure” have to do with our identity? Proverbs 23:7
Note: Failure is just a perspective or focus we have in life; and many tend to lean toward this perspective and as we focus more and more on our “failures,” we weld it into our behaviors, our character, our identity. If we believe that we’re always failing, we’re going to think we’re a failure, and then it’s a downward spiral. But we can’t build success on a foundation of failure. Remember that there is no such thing as failure; only results. A just man falls seven times but rises up again! (See Proverbs 24:16)

5 How can we change our beliefs about failure? Romans 10:17
Note: By changing the words you listen to, you will change your beliefs. At first, you may not feel like you believe differently about failure, but at any moment you can choose to shift your beliefs like that.

6 How did the Lord respond to Moses’s doubting, limiting beliefs? Exodus 4:10-12 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: You’re not a failure. You’re just early in the process. Go anyway, even if you don’t feel like you’ll succeed. Sometimes you just need to step out in faith. While you’re in the process of doing what God is calling you to do, the feelings will come.

7 Who does Christ say we are in contrast to what we may believe? Romans 8:37
Note: We can have an abundance of victory. Many times it’s in our darkest moments when we feel like we’ve done everything we can, and we’re out of resources, there’s nowhere else we can go, we don’t understand, and it seems like the darkness is overwhelming our soul and we cannot see through the darkness that victory is near. Victory is near in Christ, because Romans 8:37 says, “We are more than conquerors through Christ.” You start recognizing that you can have a life of a series of uninterrupted victories. You could go from one glorious victory to the next. The Lord’s strength is sufficient for us and we can have each day be better than the last.

8 Will God put us through anything in our lives that isn’t for our good? 2 Corinthians 4:15
Note: Abundance flows into our lives “through the thanksgiving of many.” Ingratitude can make a rich man poor. Gratitude can make a poor man rich. Trade your expectation for appreciation. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it says: “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Would God tell you to be grateful for something that would be impossible to be grateful for? If He did that, He’d be a liar. But God cannot lie.

9 What in nature shows us that a successful life is progressive and not immediate? Mark 4:28
Note: Have you ever not been satisfied with where you currently are? There are stages of perfection. What if your experimental results are just a PART of the process? “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.” (See Psalm 19:7) Through obedience comes sanctification of body, soul, and spirit. This sanctification is a progressive work, and an advance from one stage of perfection to another. Justification happens in an instant. Sanctification is the work of a lifetime.

10 Whether we are looking for all the “failures” or looking for all the progress we’ve made, what does Jesus tell us would happen for sure? Matthew 7:7
Note: What you focus on you find, what you focus on grows, what you focus on changes you. Did you know the very recognition of progress actually creates more progress in our life? “Every mistake, every fault, every difficulty conquered becomes a steppingstone to better and higher things. It is through such experiences that all who have ever made life worth the living have achieved success.” What has the fear of failure limited you from doing? The goal isn’t instant perfection. The goal is progress. Practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes progress. And progress leads to perfection through the grace of God.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to change the way you see failure in your life and instead look at progress and use the “failures” as stepping stones to gain higher ground?

Is it your decision by God’s grace to change your limiting beliefs about failure and step out in faith by hearing, listening to, and saturating yourself in God’s word?


If you would like to trade your expectations for appreciation by looking for what you can be grateful for, then please visit: today so you can start logging what you’re thankful for each day!

If you would like to learn HOW to find the scriptures that can change your beliefs and change your perspective on “failure”, then we encourage you to visit: and save your seat to our free webclass!