1 What is the biggest problem we face in winning souls to Jesus? Matthew 9:36-37
2 What are new Christians symbolized as? Matthews 13:37-39
Note: When you have a new garden it needs to be watered. If the only way you water that garden is by manually pouring water on your plants each day what will happen if you have to leave town or are unable to attend to your plants? Would you rely on your neighbor to help you while you’re gone? Would your plants die because you could not always be there for them? Or would you be unable to meet your life’s crises because you are chained to watering your garden? As a soul winner, you are a Gardner and the people you share Christ with are the tender plants growing in Christ. Your garden is those who you know in your sphere of influence.
3 What simple solution has God’s wisdom inspired to lighten the load of gardeners? Proverbs 8:12
Note: God has given time-saving and labor saving machines like a drip system. A drip system allows you to automatically water your garden even if you are unable to be there yourself.
4 What is it that will water the tender plants in our spiritual garden? Ephesians 5:26
Note: If you are the only source of Bible truth to a person(s) then what happens when you’re unable to be available at all times to meet the growing needs of your new Christian plant? Could connecting your friend or family to a Biblical drip system help you to make your friend get watered by the word anytime and anywhere?
5 What are different examples of drip systems we can use for sharing Christ with others? Psalms 68:11
Note: The button to make a video go public on Youtube to the world is the word Publish. The button to post a Bible study on Facebook is Publish. The button to make a podcast visible to the internet is the word publish. These various platforms are all examples of Modern Publishing. When you encourage someone to subscribe to a Youtube channel, Email Newsletters, podcasts, or to attend a small group these are all examples of connecting your Bible study contact to a drip system where they can be systematically watered with more of God’s word while you’re sleeping.
6 If we are not thoroughly able to give a Bible study, what other way could we share Christ with others? John 4:28-29, 39
Note: If you currently struggle with the idea of you giving a Bible study, as you’re getting started don’t be the message, be the messenger. Like the woman at the well, you may not be able to break down all the prophecies of the messiah but you can invite people to a small group who can.
7 If we plant the initial seeds of truth, do we have to be the ones who continue to water each person? 1 Corinthians 3:6-7
8 If God has comforted us, through the small groups what is our duty to do for others? 2 Corinthians 1:4
9 How does God contrast people who are represented as being a dry land? Psalms 68:6
In Light of God’s Word…..
Do you recognize that these small groups that you are attending is a way that you can invite people that you are witnessing to?
Is it your desire to invite others to receive the same blessing and encouragement in Christ you have found here?
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