1 What is the best way to learn? Proverbs 11:25
Note: In a previous study, we learned that water is a symbol of God’s word. (See Ephesians 5:26) The best way to learn is to water others in which we will be watered ourselves.
2 Where is one of the safest places to teach what you learn? Matthew 18:20
3 What is the law of heaven to receive unlimited blessings? Luke 6:38
4 What is the key to gaining more knowledge from the Lord? Proverbs 11:24
Note: We are to ask blessings from God that we may communicate to others. The capacity for receiving is preserved only by imparting. We cannot continue to receive heavenly treasure without communicating to those around us.
5 How do the righteous study in their devotions? Proverbs 15:28
Note: Be intentional with how you study the Bible and share with others what God has shared with you. Most people study to learn, the righteous study to teach.
6 What do these small groups equip us to be ready to do? 1 Peter 3:15
7 Are small groups an evangelistic tool to invite new people to attend? Acts 2:42, 46-47
Note: If we impart what we learn in a small group, many will be blessed and be encouraged to invite others, thereby having the Lord bless the small groups by adding to them.
8 What if we are uneasy about sharing the Bible with others in the small groups? Ecclesiastes 11:6
Note: Our duty is to merely plant the seed of truth, we do not know if the truth will make a difference in the lives of others or not. We should let the Holy Spirit do His work.
9 If we always look at the circumstances around us, will we ever share with others what God has given us? Ecclesiastes 11:4
10 What happens when we don’t take the opportunities God gives us to impart what we know? 2 Timothy 3:6-7
Note: How can small groups help us to be strengthened in our understanding of truth?
In Light of God’s Word…
Do you recognize that you are depriving yourself, others, and God by not imparting to others what has been given you?
Do you realize that these small groups give you an opportunity to share your experiences and grow?
Is it your desire to share the blessings you’ve received from God through the small groups with others?
Become a small group leader and receive training for inviting people thearmyofyouth.com/volunteer
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