1 Why is it that we don’t know very much about ourselves? James 4:2
Note: Change your question, change your life. Be honest about where you are right now and reflect on that. No one knows you better than the God who made you. If you ask Him what He would have you do in life, and study out your identity in Christ, you will see that many clouds of confusion and uncertainty will lift and you will find clarity.
2 What in your life is going to open doors of opportunities and a world of endless possibilities for your life? Proverbs 18:16
Note: What are your gifts? What valuable skill do you have to offer for the service of God and man? What valuable skill will you learn or develop? You can even ask for any gift you don’t yet have.
3 What is God’s will for you to live out in every present day? 1 Thessalonians 5:16
4 Why do many fail in having a fulfilling future? Luke 16:10
Note: What are you doing with the day in which you are living? When we continue to dwell on the past or worry about the days to come, we lose sight of the day we have now and many times we waste a day in burn out when it could have been used to serve the Lord even in the most minute things.
5 Why should you be faithful in living for today and not worry about the days to come? Matthew 6:34
Note: If we believe that God is in control of everything then we must believe that He is in control of tomorrow as well.
6 How does the Lord strengthen us in our Needs to living a fulfilling life for His glory? 2 Corinthians 12:9
Note: What areas of your life need development? Ex. Public Speaking? Persuasion? Leadership Skills? Communication? Technology? We may not necessarily be called to pursue a life work in which we’re already strong. God may want us to pursue something in which we’re weak! His grace is always sufficient and our faith in that grace is what makes all the ends meet.
7 What does it mean to walk with someone? Amos 3:3
Note: The question is, can we walk with God if we don’t agree with Him? How will you know if you agree with God if you don’t take the time to reflect and analyze? Is my life in agreement with God, His word, and His plan for my life?
8 Who should we be in agreement with first and foremost? 2 Corinthians 13:5
Note: The agreement is with you, yourself, and Heaven. Is your character, your life, in alignment with who you believe you are? Are you in alignment with heaven?
9 When we are in agreement with the Lord, who else can we be in agreement with? Luke 2:52
Note: The second agreement is with you and your Relationships. Ex. Your Family/Spouse/Parents/Household/ Social/Evangelism, etc.
10 How do we complete these agreements to start living a fulfilling life? Romans 12:11
Note: The third agreement is between you and your calling. It’s what you spend your time doing. Your contribution to the world, your occupation… is it really in alignment with who you are? Are you in agreement with it? This is something to examine.
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to avoid burdensome burn out and learn how to stay in the present day and be faithful in the small duties of everyday life?
Is it your decision to take all your burdens and worries to the Lord and stop worrying about the future or dwelling In the past by asking for His grace to start living a fulfilling life in Christ Jesus?
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Another way to start being faithful in each day is by ordering our New daily account book! This account book will truly help you stay focused at the day at hand! Order yours here → thearmyofyouth.com/accountbook