1 What word did Jesus use to describe the ministry of His life calling? Luke 2:49

2 In ancient times what were ships used to do? Psalms 107:23
Note: What calling were the first disciples of Jesus called from? Fishermen. They used ships to do business. Many of the disciples were businessmen called to ministry.

3 How did Jesus use business principles to learn and teach ministry concepts? Matthew 4:18-19

4 What was another way Jesus remixed the spiritual and the physical? Matthew 4:4
Note: Jesus is talking about bread, but He is remixing this word by symbolizing it as the word of God. They are higher-level principles. Bread is very specific, but the higher-level principle is the word of God. Can all food be a symbol of the Word of God? Is bad food a good symbol of God’s word? No. Just like there is healthy and bad food, there is good truth and false teachings.

5 What did God connect with serving Him? Romans 12:11
Note: Your business is your vehicle that can be used in serving Christ. You’re not called to live on this earth to get a good education, get a good-paying job, a house, raise a family, and then die. You’re called to the Lord’s service. You are not your own. Whatever your calling is, whatever you spend your time doing, should be a means to an end in Serving the Lord and giving the gospel to the world. Live your calling when you look at these principles.

6 How did Jesus recognize the children of this world of this generation? Luke 16:8

7 What did Moses follow in order to have a successful sanctuary? Hebrews 8:5
Note: According to the pattern. Leaders are masters at recognizing patterns. Imagine if God told Moses to build a tabernacle without a pattern! By following a pattern Moses was able to do it right the first time. Because he was following the pattern he was able to condense several millenniums of God’s wisdom. How can we more closely model God’s character? Ask When you’re looking for a model and outcomes you want, what pattern can I use?

8 Where is another place others can find a pattern? 1 Timothy 1:16
Note: Paul here is representing Christ. He went through an experience so others can follow. You too are a pattern to others. By beholding we become changed, and that also goes for everyone else who “beholds” you. You are responsible for the example you show to others. Just because we follow a pattern doesn’t mean that it’s a good one. That’s why it is important to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 & 2 Corinthians 3:18

9 How can you change the results in every area of your life? Galatians 6:7
Note: Many times, we follow the wrong pattern. If you don’t like the fruit, the solution is to change the seed. Look for outcomes. Take the time to reflect on the outcomes of what you want to do. Every outcome in your life is the result of the seeds you sow. You can take principles from other places and apply them to your life. Change your pattern, change your life.

10 Where does the Lord say we can find good works to remix? Titus 2:7
Note: We can find many good ways to forward the gospel by following patterns. A good question to ask ourselves is Who is someone that has the results you want and how did they do it? Model the different principles that are supported by the Bible. The Bible says that he that walks with the wise will be wise and Those who win souls are wise. Because you have a pattern, you can do in days what took others years to do.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your decision to forward the work that Christ has left us by using His method of extracting the higher principles of the things in this world and using them in His service?

Is it your desire to study the higher principles of everyday things through the scriptures and turn every task you take into a life lesson?



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