1 What constitutes a church according to the Bible? Mat 18:20
2 Can any crisis ever hinder God’s people from coming together? Rom 8:38-39
3 How often did the New Testament church come together? Acts 2:46
4 In what place did the early Christian church worship? Acts 8:3
5 Is one day a week church service enough for God’s people to meet? Acts 2:47
Note: people were being added daily because they were meeting together more than once
6 Imagine all those people being converted! How did the early church manage to teach so many people, without being overwhelmed? Exo 18:21
7 How limited are we in our evangelistic abilities by doing these small groups? Mat 18:19
8 What does the bible call ideas so simple that anyone can pick it up and carry it out? Pro 8:12
9 Even during this lockdown; what are some modern ways to fellowship together? Colossians 2:5
Note: eg. facetime, zoom, skype, discord…etc.
10 As we get closer to the second coming of Christ, what is God expecting of us to do to encourage one another? Hebrews 10:25
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to encourage others, by this heaven-sent plan written in the New Testament?
Will you decide to clear your schedule to attend an AOY small groups?
Will you Think, “who do you know that can benefit from these lessons” And invite them to these small groups?
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