Main Idea: Some find it a struggle to acquire joy from the Lord, and to sustain that joy in their life. But the Lord is more than willing to give us that joy if we would search His scriptures and do that which glorifies Him. It is quite simple to obtain that joy and peace that passes all understanding. In today’s study we will be learning how to have the joy of heaven in our life and how to keep that joy no matter where we are in life.
1 How can we make eternal life longer? John 17:3
Note: Would you like to know the only way to make eternal life longer? Start now! What is heaven? Heaven is wherever the presence of Christ is. You can experience the joy of heaven which is found in the presence of Christ today!
2 Why did the Lord give us His word? John 15:11
3 In the presence of Christ we find what two things? Psalm 16:11
Note: We can have the kingdom of heaven in our hearts today. No need to wait for a resurrection. The pleasure and joy, and fullness of abundance, overflowing emotions, peace, strength, and encouragement, are what we can have today. It’s where Christ is. Pleasure is in the presence of the Prince of Peace. (See Isaiah 9:6)
4 Where is the presence of God found? Psalm 22:3
Note: God’s presence is in our praise. Think of a time you were really grateful. When God did something for you and you recognized His hand was leading you. You need to use your imagination. Remember when God protected you from danger? That time you met someone that you connected well with. The bond that brought fulfillment and meaning. Think of a time you were praying really hard for something, and He provided. He parted your red sea. Each of these experiences we want to feel, we can look back and stack them. They have a compounding effect of praise and thanksgiving, gratitude, connection, fulfillment. It brings the presence of Christ in our lives. The daunting and intense things become peaceful and encouraging. We can re-center and remind ourselves of what God has done for us. We have the presence of Christ today. The peace and strength today. Not when the trials are gone; Not in some far off future. Today.
5 What can we always look to for encouragement? Psalm 103:2
Note: The quality of our life is determined by 2 things. The quality of our life comes down to the quality of our relationships and experiences. If we look back and ask, we’ll find these (relationships and experiences. (Matthew 7:7) It’s not about having more answers, more knowledge, or more finances. We can bring those experiences in our lives today. But, we tend to focus in the insignificant things of the moment…majoring in minor things. But we can major in magnificent moments. Consume your thoughts in praise to God because of the past experience. Then, we can have a depth of experiences. Are we taking the time to reflect, remember, and appreciate them? Instead of thinking in the future for what we want, we can look at the past and praise Him.
6 What do we need to have in order to foresee and have joy in our lives today? Proverbs 29:18
Note: Imagine if you planned on building your own home without a blueprint. How far would you get? Would you say that would be a joyful experience? Just as a building without a vision, so a life without a vision will not produce joy.
7 How can we find peace in the moment and throughout each day? Isaiah 26:3
8 What is the secret to perfect peace with God and man? Proverbs 16:7
9 What does the Lord invite us to do that He may give us joy? John 16:24
Note: The Lord not only tells us, but desires us to ask for the joy and peace only He can give that our joy may be full. He wants a relationship with us that is like that of a Father and His child. will you not accept this gift that our Father longs to give us?
10 Are the fruits of the spirit for us to impart to others only? Galatians 5:22
Note: One of the fruits of the spirit is joy. To whom does that joy go to first? It goes to you. Learn to acquire and have that peace and joy for yourself first before you impart it to others.
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to find and imagine joy in all seasons of life?
Is it your decision to take God at His word and find joy in all that you do and experience?
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