Main Idea: In this study, we will be learning about how to simplify God’s will. Many struggle with indecision because they are afraid that they are going against God’s providence. (The connection between knowing God’s will and predestination is that people think that God has already predestined a decision that should be taken and if you don’t go by that one decision, you are going against God’s providence.)
1 The mystery is taken out of God’s will when we understand His will is another name for what? Psalm 40:8
Note: The will is the Law of God. If we want to know what to decide we need the laws of God to direct our decisions.
2 If we want to know God’s will, what must we stop looking for? Matthew 16:4
Note: Stop looking for a Sign! Many believe in predestination without even realizing it. In life God gives us options. Can I be certain that it is God’s will for me that I eat a bowl of beans and rice tomorrow morning? Does it violate God’s laws? No. Should I wait for a sign to help me decide? Is it God’s timing for me to eat a bowl of beans and rice? These questions may sound silly but I’m seriously wondering if we could be doing the same thing when it comes to larger decisions in life. Does a bigger decision somehow change our need to exercise the true force of our will? Could there only be one heaven approved decision?
3 Is it possible to go contrary to God’s providence and his timing? Ecclesiastes 7:17
Note: Could You Be Blaming God for Satan’s Attacks? When standing by the graves of their children, the afflicted parents look upon their bereavement as a special dispensation of Providence, when by inexcusable ignorance their own course has destroyed the lives of their children. To then charge their death to Providence is blasphemy. We CAN go contrary to God’s providence!!
4 What is the definition of “Providence”? – See Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
Note: God has provided a plan, a map, so to say, to have a fulfilling life and a path towards heaven. Whether we take that path or not is totally up to us. We have a choice to make if we want to have that fulfilling life or not because God will never force us to do anything. That is the beauty of His love for us.
5 Will God ever take away our freedom to choose or our responsibility to decide? Deuteronomy 30:19
Note: There is much sterling truth in the old saying “Every man is the architect of his own future.” You will always be in awful peril until you understand the true force of your will. God will never take this from you.
6 After making a lawful decision, what does God say we should believe when our plans don’t go as expected? Romans 8:28
Note: It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes. Psalm 119:71. Change your focus, change your life. Our plans fail that God’s may succeed, and He always has our best interests in mind.
7 What is the one thing you need to do in order to receive the desires of your Sanctified heart? Psalm 37:4
Note: Ask yourself, does it violate any of the principles in God’s word? If yes, it does violate His word, then that is not God’s will for your life calling. You must keep looking. “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” – It’s not selfish to choose what you want if it doesn’t violate the will or law of God.
8 If our callings are all different does that mean we are not living according to God’s will? 1 Corinthians 12:11
Note: Our callings may all be different, look different, etc., but if it goes along with God’s law and principles, you can be sure that it’s the same spirit that is working through our callings.
9 Where can we find the answers to all our questions about the will of God? Psalm 119:97-100
Note: Taking time to read the scriptures will strengthen our knowledge of what God’s will is for us. Many times we go through life looking for a Sign or are always indecisive or confused about what God would have us do when all the answers we are looking for are at our fingertips in the Bible.
10 What is the only thing God has predestined us to be? Ephesians 1:11
Note: We might not know what on earth is going on in our lives right now, but in God’s time, He will reveal to is why things happen for us. All He is doing (If we allow Him to) is guiding us in His providence to receive the inheritance He has for us. God never does anything without a reason.
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your decision to stop looking for a sign to know what God would have you do, and stop wandering in confusion as to what God approves?
Is it your desire to open the Word of God so that you can know the perfect will of God for you, and so that He can help you in every aspect of your life in making decisions?
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