Main Idea: Often times we struggle to remember what we learn because we don’t know of this Biblical strategy to create long lasting memory. Learning is not limited to ourselves personally. Creating long-term memory involves the use of communication. In today’s study, we will be learning the best way to learn anything.
1 Is it just the pastor’s or preacher’s responsibility to share? 2 Timothy 2:2
Note: Another reason why we should teach what we learn, is because it helps us in retaining or remembering what we learn. Studies have shown that, when learning something new, our retention is only 5% in a Lecture, 10% by Reading, 20% Audiovisual, 30% in seeing a Demonstration, 50% in having a Discussion, 75% if we Practice Doing it, and 90% by Teaching Others. I don’t teach because I struggle with remembering. But could it be that I struggle with remembering because I don’t teach?
2 Why does God want us to share what we learn? Luke 6:38
Note: Repetition deepens the impression; when we teach or share, we get to learn twice. Our capacity for receiving is maintained as we share what we have.
3 What happens when we don’t share the things we learn? 1 Corinthians 9:16
Note: Impression that doesn’t lead to expression causes depression. The spirit of faith is given to us as we read, believe, and share God’s word with others. See 2 Corinthians 4:13.
4 How much does God expect us to share? 2 Corinthians 8:12, Mark 5:18-19 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: God’s not telling us to share what we don’t have or know. You don’t have to be a professor, theologian, or expert to share what you know. If you know 4th-grade math, you can teach 3rd graders how to do 3rd-grade math. The demoniac didn’t know Jesus. He hadn’t spent much time with Him, yet Jesus told him to go and relay what He had done for him.
5 How can we study in a way that will help us share what we learn and strengthen our memory? 2 Timothy 2:15
Note: When you study anything, learn for two. God wired us to give. Not hoard up. If you feel that you don’t have enough, you aren’t going to have enough. It’s an affirmation that helps us feel and know that through Christ, we do have enough to give.
6 How are we able to maintain a trained memory? Titus 3:8
7 What would God have us acknowledge about our memory? Philemon 1:6
Note: God wants us to recognize the good in us in Christ. God gives you the Mind of Christ, the memory of Christ, so you don’t have to be trapped in the lies and limitations of memory. This can be obtained by Biblical Affirmations. In the last 3 questions, we will be going over the 3 Essentials of Effective Biblical Affirmation.
8 Do the promises in the Bible apply to us personally? Romans 15:4
Note: Replace Pronouns w/ Me, Myself, and I. Claim the promises of God in the first person.
9 Do we have to wait for the fulfillment of the promises in order to claim them? Romans 4:17
Note: Claim God’s word in the present tense. Eg: I have a supernatural memory through Christ who strengthens me. Christ also gives us a promise in the present tense in John 14:26
10 What is one thing we can be sure of about God’s promises? 2 Corinthians 1:20
Note: Affirm God’s promises in a Positive way. For example, use the words “I am…”.
A. I am experiencing the renewal of my memory through Christ who strengthens me. Romans 12:2
B. I am so grateful for seeing the mind of Christ forming in me the hope of glory. Col 1:27
The restoration of my memory is supernatural for without Christ I can do nothing. John 15:5
Try to Avoid negative sayings. Eg: “I don’t want, I will not, etc.”
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to strengthen your memory by sharing what God has revealed to you and affirming His promises to you?
Is it your decision to take up your responsibility to share what you know and begin doing so by learning for two?
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