Introduction: Many people today are on a path to destruction because of this ONE thing people are lacking and that some are refusing to gain an abundance of. But if we learn to dig deep enough in the scriptures, we can rid ourselves of this one thing that is causing us the greatest expense in our life. Today we’re going to be looking at the effects of financial ignorance and how it is costing us a fortune. If we don’t understand the financial laws, then poverty is the result. And once we understand that God has given these laws, and when we acquaint ourselves with how everything works, then it dramatically transforms how we interact with life, and how we can fulfill the calling that God has placed on our life. These laws will work for you if you understand and use them. But they will work against you, if you don’t.
1 What does God say will be the destruction of the poor? Proverbs 10:15
Note: Poverty is not always something that we should highly praise and regard as a wonderful gift. There’s a whole notion that wealth is wickedness, poverty is piety, and business is bad. These are just not scripture-based principles. In Deuteronomy 8:18, we see that it is God who gives the power to gain wealth. It is part of the many resources He has given us to save souls. It is the power to be redeemed from destruction. There are peculiar temptations that the poor face when in poverty as they remain ignorant of biblical financial laws; but God is seeking to educate His people so that they could come out of those limiting beliefs.
2 What does God say poverty is the result of? Proverbs 13:18
Note: Oftentimes, it is ignorance that leads to poverty; not because they lacked the opportunity to prosper. When we understand the law of stewardship and that everything belongs to God, we understand how to improve the opportunities we have now. Whether you have little or whether you have much, it all belongs to God, and He expects us to increase our talents to improve upon the gifts that He has given to us. We have a moral obligation in the Word of God to increase the talents that God has given to us, including finances.
3 Why is there so much ignorance regarding the Biblical Financial laws? Proverbs 13:20
Note: Why does it say companion of fools will be destroyed? because it depends on who you surround yourself with. If we’re looking for certain results but are mainly surrounding ourselves with those who have not succeeded in certain areas, there’s a high chance you will not succeed as well. This goes back to Proverbs 13. The reason why so few people know, understand, and use these financial laws is because they were never taught them. It’s because their parents didn’t understand the financial laws, their teachers didn’t understand the financial laws and the people in their sphere of association and social circles, didn’t understand the financial laws. So where are they going to be exposed to them? Because the truth is, you are going to be an average of the top five voices that you hear the most. Meaning, that if nine of your closest friends are poor, then you’ll be the 10th. Surround yourself with people who are going in the direction that you want to go and who have the results that you’re looking for.
4 Is ignorance the only reason why there is poverty? Hosea 4:6
Note: Refusing instruction on what the scripture says about wealth and poverty leads to destruction. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. That could be a lack of knowledge of your health. That’s where disease comes from, it could be the lack of knowledge on your marriage. That’s how divorce starts to come up and family issues start to come along. A lack of knowledge on your finances is where poverty comes in and a financial crisis starts to occur. Or it could be a lack of knowledge on our faith; that’s where sin and spiritual disease and separation starts to happen. Any of these laws that we violate is going to cause destruction in that area of our life. One of the greatest costs of our life is the cost of ignorance. It’s what you don’t know that’s costing you a fortune.
5 What is another factor that plays in the result of poverty? Proverbs 6:9-11
Note: One of the surest safeguards against evil is useful occupation, while idleness is one of the greatest curses; for vice, crime, and poverty follow in its wake. Those who are always busy, who go cheerfully about their daily tasks, are the useful members of society. In the faithful discharge of the various duties that lie in their pathway, they make their lives a blessing to themselves and to others. Diligent labor keeps them from many of the snares of him who ‘finds some mischief still for idle hands to do.’ A stagnant pool soon becomes offensive, but a flowing brook spreads health and gladness over the land. The one is a symbol of the idle, the other of the industrious.”
6 What does idleness and the people we associate with have in common? Proverbs 12:11
Note: Idleness and not walking with the wise both have a common factor: A lack of knowledge. Without understanding the laws that the Lord has put in place leads to destruction. This is why knowledge and wisdom are very key in securing the success of whatever you put your hand to do.
7 Is Wealth a Curse or a Blessing? Proverbs 10:22 & Proverbs 13:22
8 What is the cause of riches and wealth? Psalm 112:1-3
Note: Just as lack of knowledge contributes to destruction, so knowledge, wisdom, and practice contributes to construction of every area of your life. Diligent upbuilding and application of the biblical laws that govern every result in our life will cause wealth and riches to follow. Wealth and riches that are to be used in taking the gospel to the world.
9 What expense does poverty make on our influence? Proverbs 19:4
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to become wise in regard to the laws that govern the results in life and stop the expense of ignorance?
Is it your decision to stop the course of destruction that comes to those who refuse knowledge and begin to build up wisdom that creates the path for prosperity?
Today’s Offer:
If you’re interested in surrounding yourself with a community of people who are studying and are passionate as you are about these biblical financial principles and want to serve Christ at the highest capacity, and have the abundance of resources to be able to do what God has called you to, then we encourage you to join our community of, of evangelists and entrepreneurs at:
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