1 Why do we need to determine our core values in life? Matthew 6:21
Note: What are core values? Our values is how we make decisions here, what we stand for and what we don’t. They are the principles we stand by to determine what is important, or the worth, or usefulness of something. It’s what we treasure. When people say I don’t have enough time they are saying that this is not something that I really value. (Heart = Focus, Thoughts, priorities, time.)
2 If we are hesitant in discovering our core values and identifying our identity in Christ, whose side are we automatically resorting to? Matthew 6:24
Note: If we aren’t sure what our core values are, there’s confusion, and God is not the author of confusion. Without core values and knowing our identity in Christ, we don’t have a solid foundation to stand on when storms of temptation and trial come. Most people conflicts we have are based on our conflicting values. Values = boundaries = laws of life. If you have no values, you have no boundaries. Your core values help you make decisions instantly. Your Core values determine your friends, your life partner, the organizations you unite with, the causes you support financially, and the mission you dedicate your talents to.
3 Are we expected to know all the things we value at once? Proverbs 4:18
Note: the path of the Just isn’t set to full brightness in one day, so likewise, you don’t have to come up with the values all at once.. they tend to come up over the years. In the next 3 questions we will go over a simple process on how to put together your core values.
4 How do we get started with determining our core values? Proverbs 29:18
Note: What COULD your core values be? Brainstorm, think about the possibilities, make a sloppy list, dream, use your sanctified imagination. What is your vision for your family, your health, finances, etc.? What is something you have always craved but didn’t receive? These are great questions to ask yourself.
5 After we have a decent list of what our values COULD be, how do we move forward in filtering them out? 1 Corinthians 14:40
Note: Prioritize your list in a way where you can take any potential value and categorize them into a smaller list…..
6 How do we solidify our core values? Luke 14:28
Note: Turn your values into one word, and add a statement and a Bible verse that encapsulates the idea. Then you can be grounded and know what you really stand for in life.
7 Where can we find any good value that is worth being a part of our lives? Psalm 119:133
Note: What does God value in His Word? If He’s our Creator and Father, He would be the best person to ask what we could and should value in life.
8 What’s a great question we can ask to determine our core values? Proverbs 22:6
Note: What are the three most important values you want to pass onto your children? Chances are, those would be things you really value too.
9 What can the people we surround ourselves with tell us about our core values? Proverbs 13:20
Note: You are an average of the top 5 people that you spend the most time with, and people like people who are like themselves. So, what do your closest friends value? You’ll likely find that you have some in common!
10 Has God given us the ability to individually choose what identity we will accept or adopt? Deuteronomy 30:19
Note: We reach our goals by who we ARE. If we want to HAVE more then we need to focus on BEING more in Christ. Everything you want in this life and the life hereafter can be attained by applying all the principles in God’s word. If I want to avoid lying then I need to become the person whose identity is in being an honest person. Thoughts and feelings (our identity) are strengthened as we give them utterance. Our brain is like a supercomputer and the words we say about ourselves is the program that we’ll operate by.
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to get extremely clear on your true identity in Christ and determine your core values so that you can stand on a firm foundation in Him?
Is it your decision today, to begin discovering what it is that you truly value in life by casting the vision for your core values?
If one of your values is fellowship, visit thearmyofyouth.com/worship to join us in morning and evening worship!
If you have a request for prayer, please let us know at thearmyofyouth.com/prayer. We would be happy to pray for you!