Main Idea: When was the last time you had an uninterrupted chain of victories? Did you know this was possible? There is a secret we will be unlocking today that is within each one of us that the Lord would have us strengthen. In today’s study, we will be looking at How we can use our Sanctified Imagination to see victory through Christ in you!


1 Why do many people accomplish little in their lifetime? Jeremiah 32:27
Note: Many people accomplish little because they attempt little. They don’t imagine it’s possible for them. But is anything too hard for God to do through you?

2 How are we able to strengthen our faculty of imagination? Hebrews 5:14

3 Why is it important to strengthen the power of our imagination? See Webster’s definition for “Imagination” (See Below)
Note: “The power or faculty of the mind by which it conceives and forms ideas of things communicated to it by the organs of sense.” “Imagination, in its proper sense, signifies a lively conception of objects of sight. It is distinguished from conception, as a part from a whole.” – Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
According to this definition, one of the parts included to having victory in Christ, is imagination because without a vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18)

4 What is another word for “imagine?” Psalm 2:1
Note: In the margin, another translation for the word “imagine” is “meditate.”

5 What would God have us imagine instead of vain things? Psalm 119:97

6 What happens to us when we imagine, or meditate, on something? 2 Corinthians 3:18
Note: By beholding, or seeing with the eye of faith through the imagination, we become changed. Our brain cannot tell the difference between actually doing something and vividly imagining ourselves doing it.

7 What does God want our experience with Him to be like? Psalm 84:7
Note: In Christ, we can go from victory, to victory! Imagine having a life of uninterrupted victories! If you just imagined it, you can do it in Christ.

8 Where’s the source of all our victory? Colossians 1:27
Note: Imagine Christ in you the hope of Glory. Imagine your identity in Christ. Imagine Christ successfully reproducing His character in you. He has laid a foundation of victory that we all can stand on.

9 What is a principle God uses in making our imagination into reality? Matthew 9:29
Note: If you imagine you can, or you imagine you can’t, you’re absolutely right. When you put your faith in the Lord for what He can do through you, the principle is, if you can imagine it, He can do exceeding abundantly above that! (See Ephesians 3:20)

10 How are we able to achieve victory by our focus? Romans 12:21
Note: Focus on where you want to go. don’t focus or imagine what you DON’T want to happen Train your mind to focus on something better. When we’re trying to avoid sin, by trying to avoid the result we don’t want, it ends up happening (See Matthew 5:28). When we behold Christ, we become changed. He always gives us something better if we are willing to behold it through the faculty of imagination.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire, by the power of God in you, to strengthen your imagination to achieve the victory in every area of your life?

Is it your decision, to use the faculty of imagination, given to you by God, to fill one of the missing parts to making your goals and desires a reality through Christ?


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