Introduction: Would you like to know if there was a way to avoid criticism? Today, we want to show you the one sure way for you to never be criticized ever again: Say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing. If you do this, you will avoid being criticized. But in all honesty, is that the alternative that you want? Whatever you do, you’re going to be criticized. It doesn’t matter how much you try to please other people, you can’t make everyone happy. This is so essential to know if you want to be all that God has called you to be and live your calling. So instead of seeing how we can avoid being criticized, let’s see what the Bible says about being criticized and how to use it for God’s glory.
Study Video:
1 Because The Lord took on all of sin and criticism here on earth, does that mean that we will not have to endure any of that? John 15:20
Note: If you’re going to follow Christ, then you’re going to be criticized. Some are not going to like your methods, how you say things, etc. Some people are going to be looking for things to be critical about.
2 Will everyone, even the ones we love understand or accept our pursuit of God’s calling for our lives? 1 Corinthians 2:13-14 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: There might be some that are well intended but they might be misinformed or don’t see the whole picture. They might not understand what God is calling you to do. But not everyone needs to understand. The real important thing here is, do you understand what God is calling you to do?
3 If we desire to please anyone, who should we strive to please? Galatians 1:10
Note: Has God called us to please others or Him? Which is He leading you to do? There is no greater joy than knowing the will of God and actually living out the will of God in your life. That is when, in a sense, the opinions or criticisms of others do not affect you.
4 What if our calling conflicts with the desires and expectations of those close or influential to us? Acts 5:29
Note: If we’re seeking to please men, then God’s work isn’t for us. It’s not going to be a pleasant experience. Not everyone is going to like what you do. We all have this desire to be accepted and the approval of our loved ones and to understand our dream, But God didn’t give them your dream. You have to be the one to follow it. As you continue on the path of purpose, God will bring others to you to go on this journey with you, to encourage you, and to strengthen you. And they can give you the counsel that is needed to be and to live what God has called you to be. Not everyone will understand that, but the safest and happiest place we can be is in the will of God.
5 What is part of the criterion to follow Christ? Luke 14:26
Note: We must obey God rather than men and those “men” could be our family, friends, mentors, etc. Different people have ideas and expectations for you but the only approval that matters is God’s approval, and of what He thinks about us in every aspect of life. If your ways please God, then you can be accepted of heaven and a heavenly family that earthly ties can’t compare to.
6 Did Christ wait for us to understand, and to accept Him as our savior before going to the cross and dying for us? Romans 5:8
Note: If we are not willing to take up our cross, not willing to put God before our family and friends, then we cannot be followers of Christ. A hard statement but at what lengths did Jesus go to save you? He died for you. He didn’t wait for you to be righteous.
7 What level of love did Christ have for us that drove Him to do this? John 15:13
Note: Christ had and exemplified the greatest love anyone can have for others. When Christ took up the cross, He was spat on, lashed, and mocked and yet no unkind word or look came from Him. Likewise, It’s not a matter of IF they criticize you, but WHEN they criticize you, how are we going to treat those who criticize us? Will you use it as an opportunity to show Christ?
8 When we get criticized for following God’s calling for our life, how should we react to that? Romans 12:21
9 When you overcome evil with good, what realization does that make on those who criticize you? Matthew 7:18, Matthew 7:20
Note: By your fruits, others see who you represent. One thing we need to know is that hurt people hurt people. You don’t know if they’re going through something, if they are hurt or have had struggles with God. They aren’t criticizing you specifically, it’s who you represent.
10 What does God say to those who chose to return evil for evil on those who criticize them? Romans 2:1
Note: When someone criticizes you, it doesn’t change who you are but it reflects them; their sorrows or hurt. Maybe you can bring the missing element of love to them. But how you respond is what reveals your character. When we judge them, it should trigger us to search ourselves, while we recognize that this verse is for them too when they criticize us.
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to not shy away from criticism but rather to expect and accept the criticism as the lot of a true Christian?
Is it your decision to stand up for Jesus in every hardship and criticism and use that criticism as an opportunity to show the character of Christ to the world?
Today’s Offer:
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