1 What has God ordained us to do? John 15:16
2 What are the fruits (results) God wants to see in our lives? Galatians 5:22-24
3 How do we make sure that we get the results we’re looking for? Ecclesiastes 3:17
Note: Many of us are lamenting that we don’t have good fruit (results we want) but could it be that we are sowing the right subjects at the wrong time? What happens when you plant seed in the winter? They don’t grow and you don’t bear fruit (results).
4 Why do we learn so much but still struggle with the same old things? 2 Timothy 3:7
Note: It’s because we’re not learning the things that are relevant in our lives at the current moment and not making what we learn a part of our lives. What will make this successful is blocking out a time where you regularly review your personal curriculum. Time block. Make an appointment with yourself on your calendar. Just in time learning vs just in case learning
5 What kind of truth do we need right now? 2 Peter 1:12
Note: Present Truth vs. Precious truth. It’s a specific kind of truth. It is present truth that the flock needs today. Present, relevant, in season, Something specific for this season of your life that God wants us to understand.
6 How do I know which seeds to sow in my life right now? Ecclesiastes 3:1
Note: Ask yourself, “What season of life am I in?” For example, if you’re a small group leader, you’d go through our leadership training. If you were a public speaker, you’d learn about communication.
7 When is the best time to start sowing the seeds that will produce the results we want? John 12:35
Note: We don’t need to have the whole garden in our hands before we start sowing seeds. It’s best to use what we have, trust God, and move forward.
8 What has the Lord promised to do if we schedule and organize our options for study? Proverbs 16:9
Note: A great way to plan and schedule your options is by using planning scopes. What is a planning scope? Planning scopes are different timeframes like years, quarters, months, days etc that it takes to accomplish a desired outcome. Depending on the distance of your target outcome determines the planning scope you use.
9 What should we always make time for? Proverbs 1:5
Note: Schedule a time in your calendar for new learnings. Block out time to live your calling. Have a plan for growth. Those who fail to plan are planning to fail.
10 When we practice just in time learning and are finally producing fruit, what are we doing for the Lord? John 15:8
In Light of God’s Word…
Is it your desire to use this little known secret to avoid becoming overwhelmed in your life today?
Is it your decision to study those things that are just in time for your life instead of things that are not relevant to the season of life you are in right now?
If you’d like to learn more about how to determine what’s relevant in your life and find the answers to your specific questions, go to TheArmyofYouth.com/Webclass
If you have a prayer request you’d like us to pray for, please visit →Thearmyofyouth.com/prayer