1 If we want more joy in our lives what do we need more of? James 1:2-3
2 What does God say is more valuable than money? 1 Peter 1:7
3 Are the trials we go through a sign of displeasure from the Lord? 1 Peter 4:12-13
4 Are your painful experiences happening to you, or for you? Psalm 119:71
5 If we want more faith in our lives what must we do? Hebrews 5:1
6 When can we have the most joy, gladness, and pleasure in our life? 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Note: People think it’s the trials that make us miserable, but in reality, the trials are what brings us the most joy.
7 When we pray for trials, what will be the result? Ephesians 5:26-27
8 In order to have hope, what is the process that we have to go through? Romans 5:3-5
9 Even though we go through trials that seem very grievous, what will God do for us through them? Genesis 50:20
10 If we want a righteous character, what do we need more of? Hebrews 12:11-12
How many of us would like more trials in our life?
In the Light of God’s Word…
Next time you are going through a trial, will you thank God for the lessons you are learning through that trial?
Do you see that the more trials that we go through in life, the more joy the more peace you will have in your life? Do you understand when you pray for a righteous character that God answers your prayers with more trials?
Do you understand that trials mean opportunity? Will you be praying for more trials?
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