1 Does God want to give you the sanctified desires of your heart? Psalm 37:4
Note: What do you enjoy doing? What are the desires of your heart? These contribute to understanding our unique callings in life.

2 What’s a problem you see in the world that really bothers you? What is a problem you want to help solve? Job 29:16 (See also, Acts 9:36-39)
Note: What’s a problem you see in the world that really bothers you? What is a problem you want to help solve?

3 What is a question God asked Moses that we can ask ourselves when searching for our definite aim? Exodus 4:2
Note: Moses’ rod was always in His hand before He was called to service. What do you have in your hand? How has God worked in your life up to this point?

4 What can we look at in our lives that can give us an idea of what our calling is? Ecclesiastes 9:10.

5 As you trace through your experience, and you see what things the Lord has brought you through, what promise does God give regarding your experience and your future work? Isaiah 46:10
Note: Many times the way people were brought into the truth is the way they want to bring others in.

6 Are the skills and talents we develop in Satan’s kingdom able to be redeemed by God for His service? Ephesians 5:16

7 How does God use the life-changing knowledge, skills, or experiences you have now to show you your calling? Matthew 7:12
Note: Often the people we serve are younger versions of ourselves. What is something you wish you had when you were younger? For example, it may be your calling is to be the mentor you wish you had when you were younger. Fill in the blank. “I want to be the _____ I wish I had when I was younger.” It may be a mentor, leader, evangelist, etc.

8 What does God use in our life to show us our future life calling? Ecclesiastes 3:15
Note: That which is to be, hath already been. Think of your past experience. Everything that is or isn’t in your life is the result of decisions you’ve made in your past.

9 Why is it important to look back and see our past history in life when finding our true purpose? Isaiah 46:10
Note: Trace through your experience how God has worked in your life, and you’ll see how God will work through your life.

10 What should we be intentional about doing daily? 2 Corinthians 13:5
Note: Set yourself a regular time in your schedule for self-examination where you can take inventory of your life.


In Light of God’s Word…

Are you encouraged to look back on your life and see the many things that God has brought you through in order to help you in your journey to find your life calling?

Is it your desire to be intentional with your life to follow the paths of righteousness that will lead you straight to your definite aim?



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If you are interested in learning how to study to find your life calling, please visit thearmyofyouth.com/webclass