Main Idea: In today’s study we will be looking at the secret to how to make learning fun! We will be learning about how to open your mind by God’s grace to His word and apply it to your long-term memory.


1 Why is it important to remember what we learn? 1 Corinthians 15:1-2
Note: It’s a sin to be forgetful. We will only be saved if we keep in remembrance what God has taught us in the past. Memory is one of the faculties that God uses to remind us of the essential experiences of life. What are some of the things we forget that God would want us to remember continually? Great memories are not born, but developed. Science has shown that only 1/3 of our memory comes from genetics, and 2/3 is made up by our lifestyle and habits. There is no such thing as a good or bad memory. Only a trained or untrained memory.

2 What example can we learn from Daniel in strengthening our memory? Daniel 1:8
Note: Daniel, with the grace of God, determined not to eat from the king’s table. We have to decide that we’re going to remember. Memory is a choice. “Decision” comes from the root word “incision”. Once you decide on something, you are cutting off all the other alternatives. When you decide to remember something, you are making a commitment to remember that thing. I encourage you my friends, to dare to be a Daniel 😉

3 What is something God doesn’t want us to forget? Psalm 103:2-3, Psalm 103:5
Note: God doesn’t want us to forget the things we can be grateful for. He not only wants to forgive our iniquities, but heal every disease. God wants to heal all the memory diseases out there.

4 Who are the best learners on the planet? Matthew 18:3-4
Note: Why are children so good at learning? Because they are humble, curious, and Fascinated! They are interested in what they are learning! Fascination is not something you have. Fascination is something you do. If we want to be able to learn as children learn, we need to be willing to learn, willing to be fascinated and intensely interested in what we’re learning. Curiosity is something we can choose to cultivate.

5 What two places does God want to place divine information? Hebrews 8:10
Note: God wants to place divine information both in our hearts and minds because He knows that the thoughts and emotions make up our moral character, and because all learning is dependent on our emotional state. What kinds of emotions do people typically experience in school? How much of what we learned in school do we really remember? How many of us had an experience happen only one time but we still remember it like it was yesterday? It’s the intensity of the emotions that causes the memory to be fastened in our minds. In the next 4 questions we will be going over helpful steps to change your emotions or increase your interest in God’s word. Being bored, uninterested, distracted, are some of the emotions you can eliminate by doing these 4 steps.

6 How can we physically change unwanted emotions? Ecclesiastes 7:29
Note: Step 1 is to change your motion. For example, how are you sitting right now? What is your posture like? Are you sitting in a way that an intensely interested person would sit? How are you breathing? Brain cells are very oxygen sensitive, so it is of vital importance to get plenty of oxygen. Getting up and opening up a window is one of the motions you can make to help you become more awake and interested in learning.

7 How does what we focus on effect our emotions? 2 Corinthians 3:18
Note: Step 2 is to change your focus. It’s important to change our focus because our feelings, our emotions, follow our focus. Our emotions are the fruit of our focus. A tool that God has given us to change our focus are questions! If you change your question, you’ll change your life. Instead of focusing on how much you’re disinterested in what you’re learning, ask yourself, “Why am I excited to learn this subject? What am I looking forward to about this?”

8 How do our words play a part in changing our emotions? Matthew 12:37
Note: Step 3 is to change your words. Our words influence our feelings. If we tell ourselves that we’re bored or uninterested, it’s going to make it harder to learn. Instead of saying, “I’m not a curious person.” Say, “I’m Fascinated of what I’m about to learn!” Psalm 23:7 tells us: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Just changing our words makes a big difference because expression deepens the impression. Our thoughts and our feelings are strengthened as we give them utterance.

9 What is something we would do well to pray for in order to change our emotions? 1 Peter 1:7
Note: Step 4 is to pray for opportunities to practice. Practice makes progress which leads to the perfection of controlling our emotions.

10 What promise does God give us in regards to strengthening our memory? John 14:26


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to cultivate the habit of remembrance and to train your memory so that you can have success in all areas of life?

Is it your decision to become fascinated about the things you learn so they can be fastened into your long-term memory?


If you would like a Bible and science-backed system for remembering (the past, commitments, things you’re grateful for, etc.), go to today and order your copy of the Live Your Calling: Daily Accountbook!

If you would like to learn how to make your devotions irresistibly interesting, we encourage you to visit: for a free training!