Introduction: How many of us sometimes struggle to remember what we learn? What if there was a simple way to expand your capacity for remembering without taxing your mind with a strenuous training? Today we will be looking at why the best way to remember is to teach what you learn.


1 Why was it of great importance to Paul to preach the Gospel? 1 Corinthians 9:16
Note: It was important to Paul to preach the gospel because he says it is a necessity! As Christians, it is our duty to communicate, share or impart what we learn and know. Normally we don’t teach because we have a hard time remembering, but could it be that we have a hard time remembering what we learn because we don’t teach? The way to know that you actually know something is by being able to communicate it.

2 Aside from the verse above, why else is it important for us to learn and teach the gospel? 2 Timothy 2:15
Note: God wired us to give. Not hoard up. If you feel that you don’t have enough, you aren’t going to have enough. That’s an affirmation. When you study anything, learn for two.

3 What is the successful framework given in 2 Timothy 2:2-3 to share the gospel to the world?
Note: One of the best ways to learn something is to teach it. Law of imparting. One of the best ways to retain what you want is to give it away. Impression that does not lead to expression causes depression. When you teach something you get to learn it twice. God is looking for gospel soldiers; gospel soldiers who are looking for people to communicate to. The responsibility to share is not just on the preacher or pastor. We all are accountable to share.

4 What is the result of sharing what you learn? 2 Corinthians 4:13
Note: Impression that doesn’t lead to expression causes depression. The brethren mentioned in 2 Corinthians had been impressed by the word of God and therefore expressed what they had learned to others leading to the conversion and encouragement of others.

5 What promise does the Lord give to us when we share and teach what we learn to others? Luke 6:38

6 As soon as the woman at the well had found the Savior what was her immediate response? John 4:25-29 (opens in new tab due to long verse)

7 What did she share and to whom? John 4:28-29
Note: When the woman at the well knew Christ was the savior, she brought others to Him. She couldn’t thoroughly explain the prophecies; but she told of what she did know; her testimony.

8 How many came out to meet Jesus for the first time? John 4:39

9 Did Christ use her in fulfilling the Great Commission? John 4:36-38 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: This woman was not a Jew, was not baptized, and lived in open sin. Yet the Lord used her as a better missionary than the disciples. Some people feel I don’t have a testimony. Just a simple encounter with Jesus can be a very very powerful testimony.

10 What good is there in trying to compare the testimonies of others with our own? 2 Corinthians 10:12
Note: It isn’t wise to try to compare our testimonies with the testimonies of others. No testimony is too small in the eyes of the Lord. We reach a different audience based on the experiences we have.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your decision to teach while you learn to increase your ability to remember anything?

Is it your desire to while teaching to retain what you learn, make a lasting impact in the lives of other?

Today’s Offer:

We are happy to announce that from August 26-31 we will be holding the “Mind Your Own Business” Challenge! If you would like to learn how you can turn your calling into your career, then you don’t want to miss this challenge! Go to: for more information and sign up today!

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