1 How do we prevent ourselves from feeling overwhelmed by not knowing which studies to prioritize? Proverbs 29:18
Note: What COULD you study? Brainstorm, Think about the possibilities, make a sloppy list.

2 What is God’s way of prioritizing? 1 Corinthians 14:40

3 How did Jesus prioritize His possibilities? Luke 14:28
Note: Organize your list of topics to study on your calendar. What will you study?

4 Would it be wise to switch topics if something else catches our attention? Ecclesiastes 9:10
Note: Do not deviate, pray for the strength to be focused on your one thing. Also if an idea comes up, put it on your Personal Curriculum List.

5 What is the secret to growth in our personal devotions and Bible studies? Ecclesiastes 3:15
Note: Ask yourself, “What went well?” and “What needs improvement?”

6 What’s the next step? Proverbs 3:5
Note: When you have analyzed and found things you could improve on, the next step to take is to revise your method or system for studying your intentional studies.

7 Are we ever going to stop making improvements and adjustments? Proverbs 24:16

8 When we follow these steps for prioritizing our studies in God’s word, what are we essentially doing? Matthew 6:33

9 How can I change my beliefs about a subject? Romans 10:17
Note: Words change our faith; our belief. If you want to change your beliefs, you need to change the words you listen to.

10 How will learning how to prioritize our study options help us in our Christian experience? Ephesians 5:15-17


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to learn to use this process as a way to know how to prioritize your options?

Is it your decision to stop wasting your time on things that you shouldn’t be focusing on at the moment and start making progress in the things that really matter?



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