Main Idea: How many times have you heard the question: “How can I get a closer walk with God?” Perhaps you have asked yourself that question. It isn’t anything new, and with more people inquiring this, we will look at some of the most effective steps you can take today, to grow that relationship with God. In today’s lesson, we will be going over 7 steps to having a closer walk with God


1 What has the Lord done for you that encourages us to be forgiving? Ephesians 4:32

Note: In the first step to having a closer walk with God, we see that because of God’s love for you through Christ, He has forgiven you freely. In order to have a closer walk with God, we must remove this belief that God has not forgiven us. In addition to this, we must forgive others freely with a loving heart; for in doing this, you can have such a reassuring confidence that the Lord will forgive you. In the process of forgiveness, we must realize that this includes ourselves. We can never really have true peace if we don’t allow ourselves to be forgiving, not only to others but to ourselves as well. Not forgiving yourself is one of the things that can very much hinder your walk with God.

2 How can we consistently build our relationship with God? Psalm 119:133
Note: Learn to have consistent, intentional devotions. One way you can do this is to find which of these 7 steps are you the weakest in and study that.

3 What is a confidence we can have when we talk with the Lord? 1 John 5:14-15
Note: When you bow your head or get down on your knees, pray to God as a Personal Friend. God promises us that if we would draw near to Him, He would draw near to us (James 4:8). If you desire to have a personal relationship with Christ, know that He wants it even more (See Zephaniah 3:17).

4 What is an effective way to let the word of God dwell in us? Colossians 3:16
Note: A wonderful blessing and privilege God had given us to grow closer to Him through His word is to sing a joyful noise. You will soon see that, with this habit, you too will say with the Psalmist: “I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.” (Psalm 104:33)

5 With whom can we obtain wisdom to having a closer walk with God? Proverbs 13:20
Note: Fellowshipping with faithful friends is a very helpful way to grow our relationship with Christ. Not only are they there to uplift and encourage you, and you to them; but by finding and befriending those who have the results you want, you find wisdom in which to strengthen that walk with your savior.

6 What is the promise attached to fellowshipping one with another? 1 John 1:7

7 What is one way we claim this promise and receive the blessing that comes with it? Matthew 18:20
Note: Here, this verse describes a small group. By coming together in a small group in Christ’s name, we automatically invite the presence of God. Here the spirit can impress our mind, we can meet others who have the results we want in a Christian life, and together encourage and sharpen one another (See Proverbs 27:17).

8 How does the biblical principle of “receiving” work in our spiritual and practical life? Proverbs 11:25
Note: In order to be watered, we must water others. Learn to share as you receive. When do we typically think is the right time to share? When we’re faultless? When we’ve finally arrived to where we want to be in life? The demoniac had only known Christ for a very short time; and yet, Christ told him to go and tell of what he knew about Christ already (Luke 8:38-39 – opens in new tab). It’s not about sharing what you don’t know; it’s about sharing what you DO know and sharing accordingly as you receive more light (See 2 Corinthians 8:12).

9 What is the result of not sharing what you receive or learn? 2 Timothy 3:7

10 Instead of looking to what you don’t have or what you are not, what is something the Lord would have you acknowledge? Philemon 1:6
Note: Be grateful for what you have. Be grateful for the progress you have made along your journey. What you focus on grows (Matthew 7:7). If you look for all your flaws that are not from Christ, you will find them. If you look for all the good and the progress you’ve made through Christ, you will find that. You can be grateful or you can be despondent, but you can’t be both.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to have a closer walk with God by practicing these steps and including them in your everyday life?

Is it your decision to strengthen your walk with God and by God’s grace, remove the limiting beliefs you have that might be hindering your relationship with Christ?


If you would like to learn more on how to study any of these 7 steps to a closer walk with God in your devotions, please visit →

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