Introduction: Have you ever wondered why you have the results that you have in life right now? Could it be that the results that we see in our lives is partly because of what we focus on? God has given us the ability to choose what we would like to focus on, so the questions are, why is it important to focus, what happens when we focus on something? How does it affect every aspect of who we are and why we are?


1 Why is it important to focus on certain things? Ecclesiastes 9:10
Note: When focusing on anything, with the grace of God, focus with all your might. Don’t give half, distracted effort.

2 What has Christ promised us will happen when we focus on something? Matthew 7:7
Note: What we focus on we find. If we are truly intent on focusing on a certain thing to find a certain answer, Christ Himself promises us that we will find it.

3 What dramatic effect takes place when focusing on Christ? 2 Corinthians 3:18
Note: What we focus on changes us. If we want to have a Christ-like character we need to behold the lamb of God.

4 Why are the certain things we focus on like seeds? Galatians 6:7
Note: What we focus on grows. Every time you give utterance to weaknesses you become weaker. We can make a mountain into a molehill by focusing on all the things that can go wrong or vice versa. This isn’t to suggest that we shouldn’t count the cost and look at certain negative results that can happen in a decision but it is when we focus mainly on one side that can become a problem.

5 Does what we focus on affect our emotions? Acts 17:27
Note: Your Emotions follow your Focus. If we focus on the things that are missing (being ungrateful), it will produce sadness or disappointment. When we focus on being thankful, it produces joy and contentment.

6 Why do God’s people have nothing to fear? Psalm 46:1-5 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: Though the world may fall apart, God will cause His people to not be moved. Because they focus on God, They will be unwavering and unbreakable in what God has purposed. They know God is in control and that if they are faithful to Him in every aspect of their lives, the Lord will continue to keep them.

7 What was Israel’s attitude towards their need to pass through Edom? Numbers 20:17 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: They were intent on going through Edom. The Children of Israel were willing to have stringent focus to get closer to the promised land and we should too!

8 What is an attribute that promises us unwavering focus? Proverbs 12:3

9 Did Christ have this kind of focus? Hebrews 12:2-3 (opens in new tab due to long verse)
Note: Christ not only had a firm focus on His mission to save humanity, but was also righteous. Think about how Jesus persevered and you also will be strengthened to finish your task.

10 In conclusion, what emphasis does the Lord put on focus? Proverbs 4:23, Proverbs 4:25-27


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to have the same focus and righteousness as Christ did in everything we do and get closer to the promised land?

Is it your decision to emphasize focus in your life and to focus on what can make the most difference and most fulfillment in our lives to daily exemplify the character of Christ?

Today’s Offer:

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