1 What does God expect of us to do when we have decided to follow Christ regarding evangelism? Matthew 28:18-20

2 What is evangelism at its core? Proverbs 4:18
Note: A path doesn’t just show up, it is worn into the earth by a leader. A leader who evangelizes and develops other leaders, who leads others, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, into the Heavenly Kingdom.

3 When we no longer have a burden for evangelism what does the bible describe us as? Revelation 2:2-4

4 Since there are already so many laborers does God really want my help in Christ’s service? Luke 10:2

5 How can I learn evangelistic leadership if I have little or no experience? Luke 10:1
Note: Christ partnered the experienced with the inexperienced and in small groups everyone starts as an assistant small group leader first.

6 How can I as an individual reach all the people I want to hear about Christ? Exodus 18:17, 21
Note: Small groups need leaders!

7 Do you need to take many lessons and hours of training in order to be a leader? Matthew 17:19-20
Note: It doesn’t take much to develop into a leader with Christ. (In Christ you can do all things)

8 In the new testament how effective are these small groups? Acts 4:4

9 In a small group, what are the relations between the leader and the rest of the group? Philippians 2:3-5
Note: How would you like to be in an environment where everyone looks out after the things of each other and is more concerned about the well being of others within the group?

10 What does our journey look like on our path of becoming a small group leader? 2 Peter 1:5-8
Note: We will not be barren in our effectiveness in sharing the Gospel.


In Light of God’s Word…

Do you realize that all evangelism is leadership and that you can develop your leadership through these small groups? Is it your desire to be a small group leader not only to bless and help others, but develop your own skills in evangelism?



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