1 Does God want to give us what we want in life? Psalm 37:4

2 When we pray and ask God for our sanctified desires, what’s our part to play as we move forward? Mark 11:24
Note: In this verse, “believe” is an action word. Many times, we have not because we ask not. If we want the things God has promised, we need to believe that He is more than willing to give if we ask.

3 When we’re setting goals, what are the 7 areas of life that we can get results in?

  1. Spiritual Goals
  2. Health Goals
  3. Family Goals
  4. Educational Goals
  5. Financial Goals
  6. Character Goals
  7. Social Goals

4 When we set a goal in one of these areas, how specific should we be? Philippians 3:14
Note: Unclear targets don’t get hit. When Paul, under the inspiration of God, wrote this verse, he had a definite aim and knew exactly what he wanted: the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

5 Where are the principles for finding good success in every area of life? Joshua 1:8
Note: When we stay within the principles that God gives us in His word, we have a guide to help us be successful in whatever we ask of Him. What would our life look like if it were perfect in each area of our lives?

6 Is any dream or goal we can think of too big for God to answer? Ephesians 3:20
Note: Dream bigger, not just small. Our unbelief keeps us from dreaming bigger. If we know God answers the prayers of those who desire to do His will, then why do we ask for little?

7 What is the cost to reach the goals we set? Luke 14:27
Note: When we embark on the journey to have the character of Christ, where each area of life is perfect, there will be a requirement of sacrifice. But, God will not leave you to take your cross alone, He will do it with you if you allow Him to.

8 How can we overcome the trials and hardships that we will encounter as we set to improve the areas of our lives? 1 John 5:4

9 What are we converted into when we start improving the 7 areas of our life? Ephesians 4:22-24

10 How do we become the most effective missionaries for Christ? Romans 12:1-2
Note: If we, with the grace of God, perfect every area of our life, just think of the impact you could make on the lives of others! The best tool to use to witness to others, is yourself.


In Light of God’s Word….

Will you choose to examine and improve the 7 areas of your life with God’s help?

Is it your desire to dedicate your life to God and improve the 7 areas of your life so that you may be a witness to the people you come in contact with?



If you would like to start living intentionally and improve the 7 areas of your life, please visit thearmyofyouth.com/accountbook to order your own daily account book that will aid you in improving each area of your life.

If you would like to learn how to study this subject deeper and more effectively, go to thearmyofyouth.com/webclass