1 What do you use to see a target you’re shooting at from far away? Philippians 3:14
Note: A scope is used to hit a target from far away. The scope you use depends on the distance of your target. Which planning scope should you use? It depends on where your target is. What is a planning scope? Planning scopes are different time frames like years, quarters, months, days etc that it takes to accomplish a desired outcome. Depending on the distance of your target outcome determines the planning scope you use.

2 What is the first step in using these planning scopes? Proverbs 3:5

3 What instruction does the Bible give us in accomplishing long term goals? 1 Corinthians 14:40
Note: God wants us to break down large undertakings by the order it takes to get there. So even the examination of our lives has an order. Do you have an order, a system, regularity?

4 How are we able to discern which planning scope to use? Psalm 119:105
Note: When we decide to start using these planning scopes, we are not left alone to try to figure out what to do next or how we should go about using them. With God’s inspired word, we are never left guessing. All we need to do is pick up His word and study out our desires intentionally.

5 When using these planning scopes, is it a good idea to share your plans with others? Proverbs 15:22

6 Does God break down His plans for us into smaller time frames? Daniel 8:14
Note: God took a major goal and broke it down into smaller time frames we’re calling, Planning Scopes.

7 What are the plans God has for us? Jeremiah 29:11
Note: When we submit to the will of God, every phase of life we go through is just a break down of His plans for us.

8 What does the Lord describe us as when we use these planning scopes to obtain our desired outcome? Isaiah 58:12

9 Where should our aims lead us little by little to? Colossians 3:2-3

10 Who ultimately bridges the gap from where we are to where we want to be, and why? 1 Timothy 2:3-5


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to achieve your desired outcomes with the help of using planning scopes?

Is it your decision to be a part and help in the Lord’s desired outcome of saving all men to come to the knowledge of the truth?



If you are interested in using these planning scopes in your daily life, go to → thearmyofyouth.com/accountbook

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