1 Is it possible to have each day to be better than the last? Psalm 84:7

2 What kind of path does God have us on? Proverbs 4:18

3 How do we determine which habits we need to build to live our calling? John 13:15

4 What is God able to do with your long term vision for your future? Ephesians 3:20

5 Why should we, as Christians, bring our petitions for our future to the Lord? 1 John 5:14-15
Note: Be Specific with Your prayers, Don’t Limit God.

6 Does God have a plan for the things He intends to do? Galatians 4:4

7 How much more should we, as His people cast a vision for the future? Habakkuk 2:2
Note: Let God plan out your future! Study out the plans God has for your future, and work with Him to make your Christian walk this year a success. Be sure to write it down somewhere you can easily access and see it.

8 Where can we go to find direction for the vision we set for our future? Psalms 32:8

9 Is it necessary to plan every single aspect of our lives? Proverbs 16:9

10 What can you always be sure of in God’s plan for your life? Philippians 1:6


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to climb higher and higher up the ladder (Jesus) towards perfection by setting your aim high for your future?

Is it your decision to live a fulfilled year by casting a vision for your future as you are on your walk with God?



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Would you like us to pray about your vision for the future? Don’t hesitate to let us know! → thearmyofyouth.com/prayer!