Main Idea: In today’s study, we will be looking at How to make Major Life Decision according to God’s word. We will be looking at the secret to making major Life decisions and how to be progressive in our decisions.


1 What is the secret to becoming great at making major life decisions? Luke 16:10
Note: Apply the principle of being faithful in the least to making decisions and you will realize that the faculty of your will is like a muscle/skill. Being faithful with little decisions prepares us for making larger decisions. If you fail the quizzes you will fail the final test

2 What simple process has Christ given us in Matthew 7:7 to help us find the answer to what decisions we should make?
Note: You could do what I like to call the “ASK method”. When you’re trying to understand what God’s will and plan is for you just remember the acronym ASK. Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given unto you, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.” This three-step process for determining the will of God on these major decisions is number one, we need to ask. We need to ask God for guidance and clarity. Jesus promised that, “seek and ye shall find.” And if we’re searching in prayer, then God has promised he’s going to answer. Then, number two is to seek. Seeking is a prayerful thing. Seek His word. Is this something Christ would decide to do? And number three, we have to knock. We have to search. We have to knock on the doors of opportunity. And don’t be surprised when work answers the door, and there is a part for you to play. This is where you’re exercising your will. I’m going to give you seven questions to ask before making your next major life decision. These seven questions hopefully will be a framework that can help you in determining God’s will, and can guide you in your prayers depending on these specific decisions that you’re facing.

3 Does this violate any principles of God’s word? Exodus 15:26
Note: If it doesn’t violate God’s law, then you could move forward in the fear of the lord. But if it does, then you can know that is not God’s will for your life and look again.

4 In light of prior commitments would it be wise to…? Matthew 25:21
Note: Would it be wise for me to start a new project if I’m in the middle of committing to another project? If I’m unfaithful in that which is least, in what I’ve done already and I’ve started, if I’m not able to complete that, is it really wise to start something else that I’m not going to complete? Because then we just go throughout life with a bunch of unfinished projects, and we feel miserable and unfulfilled because we’re not completing the things that God has given us.

5 If I say yes to this, what would I be saying no to? Ecclesiastes 9:10
Note: Anytime we say yes to anything, that means there’s something else that we’re saying no to. Own those results and allow our no’s to be no’s and yes to be yes, but stay true. We all have our to-do list, but I would encourage you to create it to-don’t list and to see what you are saying no to will free you up to say yes to what matters most.

6 Will this glorify my Redeemer? 1 Corinthians 10:31
Note: Will this glorify my redeemer? Because whatever I do, I want to do all to the glory of God. Our purpose in life is to give glory to God. And if my decision isn’t going to glorify Him and reflect the identity that He has given me, then that’s not in harmony with what I value, that’s not what I’m going to do; so that decision making becomes easier.

7 On a scale from 1-10 what level impact is this going to have in the big picture? Proverbs 4:18
Note: It’s not whether it’s important or not important. It’s not like a switch or a toggle switch you turn on or off, but it’s more like a sliding scale and we do this often. We choose one through ten. This is how we often choose what material we are going to put in our presentations to give you. If something is at an eight or if something’s at a ten, then you could realize, well maybe I should go with the ten. That’s one way that you’re able to decide. If there are multiple options and none of them violate the laws of God, you realize that any of them could be in harmony with God’s will.

8 Which decision is going to have the highest consequences if it gets done or not? Luke 14:28
Note: Jesus says that before committing to anything like building a tower, we should sit down first and count the costs. Let’s consider the consequences. What is this going to cost us? What is it going to take? The leaders that get the most accomplished, are the ones who make decisions based on the highest consequences. God wants us to major in major things and ask, “what’s going to have higher consequence if they get done or not?” These are questions that we want to consider, and they help us tremendously to count the costs and think of in light of eternity.

9 Where am I going to grow the most? 2 Peter 3:18
Note: In what decision am I going to grow the most? God says in 2 Peter 3:18 that he wants us to “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

10 When we make a decision what must we do with the outcome of that decision? Philippians 4:11
Note: Own the outcome of your decisions. Learn from your failures but don’t complain or wish you made a different decision. Be grateful for what you have decided. Never regret an outcome you’ll never know of.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your decision to be faithful in the little decisions now so you can be faithful in the bigger ones later?

Is it your desire to be able to make Major Life decisions easily and in a way where God Approves of your decision?



If you would like to learn how to study God’s word in a way where you can find the answers to knowing what God’s will is for you in regards to making major life decisions, then please visit:

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