1 How did Moses endure to the following through of his goals? Hebrews 11:27
Note: Goal setting is the first step of turning the invisible into reality. Think of the building you’re in now, it once was an empty lot. Someone was an architect who mapped out a goal for a building.

2 What is another word for imagination? Psalm 119:97
Note: If you read in the margin in the Bible, “imagination” is the same as “meditation.”

3 Is it possible to dream before you sleep? Psalm 4:4
Note: So how do I dream, before I go to sleep? By using your sanctified imagination. By meditating on God’s glorious vision for your life. Through biblical meditation and prayer in the evening. Communing with God on your bed. There is a true and a false meditation.

4 Does the Lord desire us to dream big? Isaiah 54:2

5 Does the Bible support this action? Psalm 63:5-6
Note: Set a time in your evening to go dream about your goals! This is your prayer time.

6 What is a key thing to have when dreaming before we sleep? Matthew 17:20
Note: Faith and dreaming for a desired outcome go hand in hand. Anyone can dream, but when faith is applied to that dream, it will take your goal and make it into a reality.

7 When we begin to dream before we sleep, what is the most important thing to keep fresh in our minds? Matthew 6:33

8 How limited is God to answering our prayers/goals we ask for? Ephesians 3:20
Note: Refuse to think small. Pray that God would expand and challenge your imagination

9 As you dream before you sleep and have faith to make your dreams into reality, what impact can we have on others? Deuteronomy 28:13
Note: When we have dreams or goals, sometimes we can think they are too big and not possible to achieve. Many successful people in the world, who don’t know God, dream big and make those dreams into reality and are able to change the world. How much more should the people of God make their God-given dreams a reality? God desires us to be the head of goal setting in the biblical way. Believe that your goal is possible through Christ, and be the lead in it.

10 When we seek after the Lord in all our ways, should we hold back in asking for the desires of our heart in fear of straying from the Lord’s path? Proverbs 19:21


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your decision to have a set time to pray and tell the Lord your goals and study through His word on how to accomplish them?

Is it your desire to begin dreaming before you sleep and communing with God your dreams and goals?



If you would like an aide in dreaming before you sleep and help in living more intentionally to reach your goals, check out our NEW daily account book at: thearmyofyouth.com/accountbook

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