1 Why do we not reap the results that we want? Galatians 6:7
Note: Reasons reap results. If we do not sow strong enough reasons, it will not give the fruit we wish to reap.

2 Why do we stop praying for what we desire? Mark 11:24
Note: There’s a lot of things that we desire in life. Like striving for mastery. The reason we stop praying when we desire something is because we didn’t have strong enough reasons. The difference between perseverance in prayer, and moving onto the next thing, is strong reasons.

3 Where is the best place to start when forming a firm purpose? Luke 16:10
Note: A great place to start forming a firm purpose is with the small things, like your morning. Learn to master the small things in life such as how you spend your time in the morning. An ounce of morning is worth a pound of afternoon, and a ton of evening.

4 Why is it important to have a firm “Why” even in the small things in life? Proverbs 24:10
Note: It’s important to have a firm purpose for the small things you do in life so it can prepare you for bigger, harder, goals which God is calling you to do. This faithfulness in the little things will give you strength through Christ to accomplish the bigger ones.

5 From whom do you gain the strength to have a strong reason that will pull you through in the accomplishment of your goals? 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Note: Once you recognize Your Identity in Christ, you recognize your strength in Christ; knowing that you are not the one who will reach your goals, but Christ in you the hope of glory.

6 What traits helped Ruth to become a true woman of God and an ancestor in the line of Christ? Ruth 1:16-18

7 Are we fit for the kingdom of God if we are inconsistent and uncommitted? Luke 9:62

8 Does the Lord have a strong reason for everything He does? Isaiah 14:24

9 How does the Lord describe those who have a firm “Why” in their life? Isaiah 57:10

10 In the end, when we have accomplished your goal, what should our hearts be lifted up to say? 1 Corinthians 15:57


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your decision to develop a crystal clear “Why” in your life, so you can live intentionally every day?

Is it your desire to be faithful in the small areas of life and be determined to master them for God’s glory by having a strong purpose?



If you would like to learn how to study out your Crystal clear “Why” in a comprehensive and effective way, then we encourage you to head over to → thearmyofyouth.com/webclass

If you would like to join us in studying the word of God together more than once a week, please visit → thearmyofyouth.com/worship To join us in morning or evening worship!