Main Idea: Oftentimes, we get unwanted results in our life that we would like to change. Thankfully, this is made possible by a simple, universal law put in place by God to not only help us find out the reason of our results, but to Also learn from our consequences. In today’s reading, we will be learning how to reason from cause to effect.


1 Is there ever a time that something happens to us for no reason? Proverbs 26:2

2 What are we to do when we know not the reason of our results? Job 29:16
Note: The #1 place we can find the cause in any circumstance, is in the Bible. We reason according to the Word of God. See Acts 17:2. Focusing on results will never change the result. Effect is always followed by cause with unerring certainty. If you want to change a result you must change the cause which produced the effect. You could have never accomplished that by focusing on the effect. When you change the cause you change the result.

3 Where do we see the first example of cause and effect explained by God in the Bible? Genesis 2:17
Note: God, in His mercy, reveals to us the cause and effect in many situations. God has given us many examples and stories in His word that no one should be in confusion. One of the best examples of this is found in Leviticus 26.

4 Regardless of ignorance, what law will always be in place? Galatians 6:7

5 But doesn’t God wink at our ignorance? Acts 17:30
Note: Yes God winks at our ignorance, but does that mean we will not receive any of the consequences? It is true that in our ignorance God winks our guilt but He does not take away the consequences of breaking His laws. Here is an example. If someone is smoking tobacco, they are not pleasing the Lord, even in ignorance. It is something the Lord does not approve of. God may be merciful to them as they keep up the habit in ignorance; but when the truth is presented to them of this injurious habit, they are then guilty if they continue.

6 Why is it good for me that there are consequences? Psalm 119:71
Note: Consequences are there so that we can learn and not do it again. If you are unsatisfied with your results, then you need to seek out which laws are being broken to achieve the results you actually want.

7 What does God say are the results of doing well or evil? Genesis 4:6-7

8 Are these laws of cause and effect only to be thought of negatively? Luke 6:38
Note: The Lord does not give us these examples of cause and effect to only look at our negative results in our lives. He gives us examples in His word to show us all the blessings contained in the laws of cause and effect to help us live a most fulfilled life.

9 If we see no effect happen in our lives, does this mean there is an exception to the rule? 2 Peter 3:9
Note: This can be seen in two different lights. One, being as the verse describes; and two: we might not get our reward here in this life, but in the life to come. God always keeps His promises.

10 How will we be able to make the right decisions to get the results we want? Philippians 2:13
Note: some actionable steps we can actually do to help us get the results we want are to List 5 things that you are not satisfied about in your life. If you are not happy about it, write some solutions that you can do to change it.


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to reason from cause to effect and find out the cause of your results by studying God’s word?

Is it your decision to take your unwanted results and make the effort to get to the root of the cause and let the Lord guide you to finally getting the results you do want?


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