1 What are the two most powerful words a leader can say? Matthew 4:19
Note: Leadership is the skill of influence. Every man, woman, and child has influence. The question is, are we being intentional about using our influence to lead others to Christ?

2 Is it right for me to invite others to follow me? 1 Corinthians 11:1

3 Why were so many people surprised when they heard Christ? John 7:46
Note: The reason why never a man spake like Christ was because never man lived like this man; for if he had not lived so, he could not have spoken so. Your example will bring power to your words.

4 How are we able to lead others through our testimony? 2 Corinthians 1:4

5 What can we never expect others to do? John 13:13-14
Note: People will often do 20% of what you do and 100% of what you don’t do. So the saying, do as I say and not as I do is wrong.

6 If we want to lead others through our testimony, what will give us the greatest results? 1 Corinthians 9:22-23
Note: If we want our testimony to influence others, we must find creative ways to relate to their challenging experiences.

7 When others are making wrong decisions, what will draw them to Christ? Hebrews 5:2
Note: Use your personal testimony for correcting people’s poor behavior and changing their life without arousing resistance. Give instruction, counsel, rebuke, in righteousness. People like to follow those who have the results that they want.

8 When we cannot find the strength to do good for ourselves what should we do? Luke 6:38
Note: People will often do for others what they wouldn’t do for themselves.

9 What does the Bible call God’s people here on this earth? 2 Corinthians 3:2

10 Is there ever a time when we are not leading others through our testimony? 1 Corinthians 10:31


In Light of God’s Word…

Do you see the need of consecrating your life to God fully so that others will have the opportunity to see Christ’s life reflected through your life?

Do you see that your example and testimony is what is one of the most powerful tools in leading others to Christ?

Will you decide to be intentional with using your testimony to influence others for good?



If you want to learn more about sharing your testimonies with others go to TheArmyofYouth.com/DFGProgram 

If you received a blessing from this Squad and want to invite others we created this link for you to send to your friends, family, and loved ones: thearmyofyouth.com/squads