1 How do the righteous study? Proverbs 15:28
Note: They have a reason to open the Word: To answer their own questions and the questions of others. They believe God’s Word has the answers to their questions.

2 What should we listen to give us guidance? Psalm 119:24

3 How do I take what I’m learning and impart it to others? 1 John 1:1-3
Note: So truly, when you look at studying to teach, share, and answer, all you’re doing is taking what God has shown you, what you’ve experienced through God’s word, and sharing it with others.

4 Why is it important to document the experiences God has given us? 1 John 1:4; Habakkuk 2:2
Note: Make a personal encyclopedia in google drive, of your personal bible studies. that way you always have your devotions and testimonies on hand and are ready to share. And whoever reads them can be ready just as you are to share with others.

5 What is an effective way to spread God’s word to others that has been proven in the Bible? Psalm 68:11
Note: God is looking for publishers, who publish the great testimonies God has done for them. Publishing is sharing in whatever format it is shared.

6 Why does the Lord, day by day, give us trials and new experiences? 2 Corinthians 1:4
Note: As you’re taking notes, you’re documenting your testimony day by day while you’re having your devotions, and they’ll be ready to share. You’re preparing for when someone is going through the same trials.

7 In everything that the Lord has done for us in the past, what should be our desire? Psalm 71:15-17

8 What will Jesus do for us in our behalf when we study to share our testimony? Matthew 10:32
Note: Whenever we come together, it is our privilege to share our thankfulness and love that we have experience from our time spent with the Lord.

9 What can our testimony do in the life of others when we share them? John 3:33

10 Do we need to go through a ministry course or important training before we can teach anyone about God’s word? Luke 8:38,39
Note: It’s a lie from Satan that we have to learn everything before we can teach anyone


In Light of God’s Word…

Do you see how by just using the experiences that the Lord has brought us through, we could reach the lost?

Is it your desire to study and document your devotion so that when others have the same question you can comfort them with the same comfort that you have gotten?



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If you would like to learn more on how to document your devotions in a shareable way go to directionfromgod.com