Introduction: There is a common misconception or false belief about finances that we’ve heard, that causes us to paralyze us from wanting to earn more, make more, do more. Part of that lie is that when you earn more money, it is going to corrupt your character or it’s going to change who you are. But today, we’re going to be looking at the law of magnification. And we’re going to be searching through the Scriptures to see, if this is true. We will take all of these beliefs that we have, and trace them through the Scriptures to see what God does say about the money that you make, and the character that it forms. We’re going to be seeing the connection between finances, and your faith, the connection between your currency and your character. Today we’re going to be looking at why money doesn’t corrupt you, but only magnifies who you are.

Study Video:

1 How can we be certain that receiving more money will not corrupt who we are? Luke 16:10
Note: Your finances are like a magnifying glass. It magnifies who you already are. It doesn’t corrupt or change you. It doesn’t modify who you are, it amplifies. If I am selfish when I’m poor, I’m going to be selfish when I’m rich. If I am greedy, when I’m poor, I’ll be greedy when I’m rich. Are the rich the only people that are in danger of being covetous or greedy or selfish? No. What God is showing us is if we’re faithful with little finances, we will be faithful with greater finances. If we are selfish with little finances will be selfish with greater finances. Money is a magnifier, it allows you to take who you are, what you do, and what you stand for and accelerates that at a higher level. This fear of becoming corrupt and being changed because of having more is not found in the scriptures.

2 What test of character does God give us on earth to see whether he could trust us with gifts of eternal value? Luke 16:11
Note: The test is being faithful here on this earth with whatever we have. If we’re not faithful here with all of the entrustments that we have, what makes us think that we will be faithful in heaven when we have true riches? What we find here is that all of us are developing our character after how we use our entrusted gifts. You’re revealing with every dollar whether you love God supremely and your neighbor as yourself, or, if you love yourself, and your cares are in this world. Both the rich and the poor are by their financial choices, deciding their eternal destiny and proving whether they will be fit subjects for the eternal inheritance of the saints for eternity. Those who use their God entrusted finances for selfish purposes in this world are revealing character traits that show what they would do if they had greater advantages. Regardless of the amount that we have, if we’re unfaithful with the money we have at any phase or any stage of our financial journey, then we prove ourselves to be unfaithful stewards of God’s gifts. If that is the case, why would He trust you with greater and eternal gifts?

3 What can money buy? Ecclesiastes 10:19
Note: If you thought that money equals trouble, then what are you going to want nothing to do with? The story that we tell ourselves about finances will largely influence how much funds we have in our bank account. When you look at a lot of problems that exist, there are many problems that finances can solve. An example is that money buys you speed by allowing you to do things faster than you could without it. As a poor missionary, I thought money was worth more than time, so I would often save money. I would spend time so I can save money. I would spend 10 hours doing something that would cost me $40. That’s like $4 an hour trying to try to fix something. Now I realized that it’s better to spend money so I could save time because time is a limited resource. In Ephesians 5:16 we are encouraged to redeem the time. While it’s true that money cannot buy happiness, broke can’t buy anything. Money in the hands of God’s people can do many things for good. Sometimes we focus so much on what money can’t buy. and we don’t realize what money can buy. When you realize what you can do with money, you start seeing that It’s a tool that you can use for good, for God, and for eternity. It shifts the priority.

4 What does God say you will have when you make the principles of God’s word the message of your mouth, the meditation of your mind, and the movement of your muscle? Joshua 1:8
Note: What two things has God promised in this verse? Prosperity, and success. Do you realize that everything God created He created to succeed including you? When we follow the principles of prosperity, the principles in God’s word, then success is the result. If you truly believe that having an abundance of God’s gift will corrupt you and therefore want to remain poor, this is the fear of success. The fear of success is the fear of having abundance that would corrupt or change a person. Being afraid to succeed means that you will be trapped in a cycle of defeat and perpetual failure in many things that you set out to do for the Lord. But what happens is you subconsciously sabotage the success that God has promised, because you believe that there’s something wrong with succeeding. The fear of success comes really from the ignorance of the law of magnification. My encouragement is to go and take the word of God and trust that if, you follow God’s plan and His principles, He promised prosperity and success.

5 What will be in the house of him who greatly enjoys God’s commandments? Psalm 112:1-3
Note: We need to understand that principles produce prosperity. It is Satan I believe, who wants God’s people to believe that by having money, it will corrupt and change the righteous. But this is a Satanic doctrine. This is not a scriptural doctrine. This is where, when you understand that money and the law of magnification, then you know that if you have a character that’s surrendered to God that is generous, kind, and caring, then having more will only allow you to amplify and expand that generosity, and kindness that you have to contribute. Your opportunities to contribute will be plentiful; and, I believe Satan is afraid of that. That’s why he wants to whisper in your ears to be weary of finances, by tempting you to believe it’s going to corrupt you.

6 Who is the most selfless and loving person in the universe? 1 John 4:8
Note: Now, who is the wealthiest person in the universe? God. it’s also God in Haggai 2:8 that says “all the gold and silver is mine saith the LORD of hosts”. God owns the cattle upon the hills, but He owns the hills also (See Psalms 50:10. If it is selfish and greedy to be rich, or if it is the act of being wealthy that corrupts individuals, then the most loving and selfless person in the universe wouldn’t be the wealthiest person as well. On the contrary, we see that it is selfless and loving, like God to be wealthy. There are many beliefs, ideas, and concepts that float around that make us afraid and fear finances, but you don’t have to fear them. When you fear God, you realize that He is the author and the source who brings these things about. He’s the one who will keep you on the straight and narrow. It is the motive, the thoughts, the intent, it’s who we are that corrupts us. The point here is that when we have more, we’re just going to be more of what we already are. It’s Christ alone who can purify and cleanse and ennoble and sanctify our motives. It’s not about how much you have, but the motives behind having or the motives for accumulating. That’s what makes it right or wrong.

7 Why has God given us richly all things? 1 Timothy 6:17
Note: God’s original design God’s current design is that our temporal blessing could be there to encourage and strengthen and help us often people solely focus on the first part of this verse, and the entirety entirely ignores the last part, showing why God gives us simple blessings. God has given us all things to enjoy richly. God isn’t saying that it’s wrong to be rich. God is saying that is wrong to trust in riches because our trust should be in God. The Bible doesn’t condemn the rich man because he is rich. It does not declare that the acquisition of wealth or acquiring money is a sin. Nor does it say that money is the root of all evil. On the contrary, the Scripture says that it is God who gives the power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). This ability, this power to get wealth, is a precious talent. The Bible does not condemn genius, art invention, because these things also come from the wisdom of God (Proverbs 812). We cannot make the heart purer or holier, by closing the body in sackcloth, or by depriving the home of all that ministers of comfort, taste or convenience. This isn’t what makes us pure and holy. It is God and His righteousness; these alone are what is able to bring us closer and purer to him. If you are staying connected to the vine, then the pursuit of profit, purposeful profit, the pursuit of finances doesn’t have to corrupt, change, or distract you. God alone can bring true, lasting success. Financial wealth is only there one day, and then gone the next; but trusting in God will give you that true and lasting wealth.

8 If it really was the act of having a lot of money that corrupts your character then how could we have so many examples in sacred history of the righteous being extremely rich? Proverbs 15:6
Note: “It is the love of money that the word of God denounces as the root of all evil. Money itself is the gift of God to men, to be used with fidelity in His service. God blessed Abraham, and made him “very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.” [Genesis 13:2] And the Bible states, as an evidence of divine favor, that God gave David, Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, very much riches and honor.”

9 What had the Lord required of those examples of the righteous wealthy and of the righteous wealthy today? Matthew 25:27, Matthew 25:30
Note: Abundance was the blessing of the faithful; and scarcity, poverty, and even taking away what little they had were the consequences of the corrupt. Having more didn’t corrupt the faithful. They were blessed with more. But the one who had less, and was hoarding their master’s talent was taken and given to those who were increasing what they had. The whole parable of Matthew 25 of the 10 talents, is showing the principle of development. Your first duty to God and your fellow man is to develop in all areas of life. That money is a symbol of not just finances, although it’s included, but it also represents the talents of your thinking faculties, expanding influence, your loving communication, etc. These talents are gifts from God that He expects you to increase. Grow your talents to the highest degree that is possible for you so you could do the greatest amount of good. We have a moral obligation to increase and not be unprofitable servants. We don’t want to waste the Lord’s funds. We want to increase in every area of our life so that we can be more and more like Christ.

10 Why would it be good to make as much money as possible and use it for advancing the kingdom of God? Matthew 6:21
Note: Money will strengthen our affections towards whatever object we use it for. “When rightly employed, wealth becomes a golden bond of gratitude and affection between man and his fellow men, and a strong tie to bind his affections to his Redeemer.” What really matters is the motives. Why do you want to be rich? simply so that you can satisfy your desires? or is it so you can serve others more. Many understand the verse 1 Timothy 6:9-10 (opens in new tab due to long verse) and say, See, that is why it’s good to not have a lot of means. But read it carefully and compare scripture with scripture and then come to your conclusion.(See 1 Timothy 6:9-10 – opens in new tab due to long verse)


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to break the limiting belief of not obtaining more means for fear of being changed and corrupted?

Is it your decision to multiply the talents of which money is a part to do a greater good in the service of God for others?

Today’s Offer:

If you have been blessed by any of the things we have to offer in the Army of Youth Ministry, please consider giving at:

If you’re interested in knowing more about some of what are the financial laws that are governing your results in this area of life and how can you saturate your mind with the truth on this matter, and be drawn closer to Christ not just as a way to be able to earn more without being corrupted, but a way that you can earn more and serve more, give more and do more, then I encourage you to go to the website, and you can sign up for this gift that I have for you.