1 Can we forget the smaller things in life so that we can focus on the bigger ones? John 6:12
Note: Christ here tells us to gather the fragments, or the small things that remain for us to do. We shouldn’t take on bigger duties in life it it leads us to neglect the smaller matters that still require our attention. “For the little things are like small screws that keep the machinery from falling to pieces.”

2 Does Jesus finish the work He starts? Philippians 1:6

3 What makes us good and faithful servants in the eyes of Jesus? Matthew 25:21

4 What can we do that will help us be efficient in being faithful in the small things? 1 Corinthians 14:40

5 When will we be ready for the bigger things we want to accomplish? Luke 16:10

6 How can we be consistent in working towards our goals? Isaiah 26:4
Note: When setting goals many easily lose the motivation they once had in the beginning. But, by trusting in the Lord and having faith in Him, we can be sure He will give us the strength to finish the work we start for Him.

7 The word faithful comes from the word faith. What character quality is brought forth from those with faith? James 1:3
Note: When we are able to be faithful and dedicated in our goals, tasks, and duties, it produces patience. Patience is something that is very essential in our Christian walk whether in topics such as the Second Advent of Christ, when dealing with trials and tribulations in our lives, and even with the sealing work of obtaining the full character of Christ. Through choosing to be faithful and having unwavering faith in all that we do, Christ will also bless us with the quality of patience which we all need!

8 Do we need to worry about the means we need in order to finish the work we start? Philippians 4:19

9 What is it like to accomplish what we start? Proverbs 13:19

10 What’s the one goal we should always work towards? Acts 20:24
Note: LET’S PRESS TOWARD THE MARK!!! Let every work, including the small duties or goals in life, move you forward in hitting the mark “of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14)


In Light of God’s Word…

Is it your desire to build up the courage and faithfulness in Christ Jesus in order to finish the work, goals, or tasks you start?

Is it your decision to be faithful in finishing the small duties in life and not neglect them so that the Lord deem you faithful to embark on bigger tasks and goals?



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